
Launching IBM MQ Explorer

You can launch IBM® MQ Explorer from the system menu on Linux®, or the start menu on Windows. Alternatively, you can use the MQExplorer command or, if you installed IBM MQ Explorer as part of a full IBM MQ server installation, the strmqcfg command.


  • To launch IBM MQ Explorer by using the system menu on Linux, or the start menu on Windows, left-click the installation that you want to launch.
    [Linux]On Linux, the system menu entry for IBM MQ Explorer is added to the Development category; where it appears within the system menu is dependent on your Linux distribution (SUSE or Red Hat®), and your desktop environment (GNOME or KDE).
    • On SUSE, left-click Computer > More Applications..., and find the installation of IBM MQ Explorer that you want to launch under the Development category.
    • On Red Hat, the installation of IBM MQ Explorer that you want to launch can be found under Applications > Programming.

    [Windows]On Windows, open the start menu, and select the IBM MQ Explorer installation entry under the IBM MQ group that corresponds to the installation that you want to launch. Each instance of IBM MQ Explorer listed is identified by the name that you chose for its installation.

  • To launch IBM MQ Explorer from the command line, enter the MQExplorer command or, if you installed IBM MQ Explorer as part of a full IBM MQ server installation, the strmqcfg command.
    [Linux]On Linux systems:
    • If you are running the IBM MQ Explorer that was installed as part of a full IBM MQ server installation, the MQExplorer or the strmqcfg command are stored in MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/bin, where MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH is the IBM MQ installation path.
    • If you installed the stand-alone IBM MQ Explorer (MS0T SupportPac), MQExplorer is in MQ_EXPLORER_INSTALLATION_PATH, where MQ_EXPLORER_INSTALLATION_PATH is the IBM MQ Explorer (MS0T SupportPac) installation path.
    [Windows]On Windows:
    • If you are running the IBM MQ Explorer that was installed as part of a full IBM MQ server installation, the MQExplorer.exe command is stored in MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/bin64 and the strmqcfg command is stored in MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/bin, where MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH is the IBM MQ installation path.
    • If you installed the stand-alone IBM MQ Explorer (MS0T SupportPac), MQExplorer.exe is in MQ_EXPLORER_INSTALLATION_PATH, where MQ_EXPLORER_INSTALLATION_PATH is the IBM MQ Explorer (MS0T SupportPac) installation path.
    MQExplorer.exe (the launch MQExplorer command) supports standard Eclipse runtime options including the following options:
    Clean the caches used by the eclipse runtime to store bundle dependency resolution and eclipse extension registry data. Using this option forces eclipse to reinitialize these caches.
    Initializes the configuration being run. All runtime-related data structures and caches are refreshed. Any user/plugin defined configuration data is not purged. No application is run, any product specifications are ignored and no UI is presented (for example, the splash screen is not drawn).

    For more information about the MQExplorer command, see MQExplorer (launch IBM MQ Explorer). For more information about the strmqcfg command, see strmqcfg.

What to do next

For more information about multiple installations of IBM MQ, see Multiple installations of IBM MQ Explorer.

To trace IBM MQ Explorer, use one of the following commands:
  • [Linux]On Linux use the runwithtrace command.
  • [Windows]On Windows use the runwithtrace.cmd command.
For more information, see Troubleshooting.