
Planning your log archive storage

Use this topic to understand the different ways of maintaining your archive log data sets.

You can place archive log data sets on standard-label tapes, or DASD, and you can manage them by data facility hierarchical storage manager (DFHSM). Each z/OS® logical record in an archive log data set is a VSAM control interval from the active log data set. The block size is a multiple of 4 KB.

Archive log data sets are dynamically allocated, with names chosen by IBM® MQ. The data set name prefix, block size, unit name, and DASD sizes needed for such allocations are specified in the system parameter module. You can also choose, at installation time, to have IBM MQ add a date and time to the archive log data set name.

It is not possible to specify with IBM MQ, specific volumes for new archive logs, but you can use Storage Management routines to manage this. If allocation errors occur, offloading is postponed until the next time offloading is triggered.

If you specify dual archive logs at installation time, each log control interval retrieved from the active log is written to two archive log data sets. The log records that are contained in the pair of archive log data sets are identical, but the end-of-volume points are not synchronized for multivolume data sets.

Should your archive logs reside on tape or DASD?

When deciding whether to use tape or DASD for your archive logs, there are a number of factors that you should consider:
  • Review your operating procedures before deciding about tape or disk. For example, if you choose to archive to tape, there must be enough tape drive when they are required. After a disaster, all subsystems might want tape drives and you might not have as many free tape drives as you expect.
  • During recovery, archive logs on tape are available as soon as the tape is mounted. If DASD archives have been used, and the data sets migrated to tape using hierarchical storage manager (HSM), there is a delay while HSM recalls each data set to disk. You can recall the data sets before the archive log is used. However, it is not always possible to predict the correct order in which they are required.
  • When using archive logs on DASD, if many logs are required (which might be the case when recovering a page set after restoring from a backup) you might require a significant quantity of DASD to hold all the archive logs.
  • In a low-usage system or test system, it might be more convenient to have archive logs on DASD to eliminate the need for tape mounts.
  • Both issuing a RECOVER CFSTRUCT command, and backing out a persistent unit of work, result in the log being read backwards. Tape drives with hardware compression perform badly on operations that read backwards. Plan sufficient log data on DASD to avoid reading backwards from tape.

Archiving to DASD offers faster recoverability but is more expensive than archiving to tape. If you use dual logging, you can specify that the primary copy of the archive log go to DASD and the secondary copy go to tape. This increases recovery speed without using as much DASD, and you can use the tape as a backup.

Archiving to tape

If you choose to archive to a tape device, IBM MQ can extend to a maximum of 20 volumes.

If you are considering changing the size of the active log data set so that the set fits on one tape volume, note that a copy of the BSDS is placed on the same tape volume as the copy of the active log data set. Adjust the size of the active log data set downward to offset the space required for the BSDS on the tape volume.

If you use dual archive logs on tape, it is typical for one copy to be held locally, and the other copy to be held off-site for use in disaster recovery.

Archiving to DASD volumes

IBM MQ requires that you catalog all archive log data sets allocated on non-tape devices (DASD). If you choose to archive to DASD, the CATALOG parameter of the CSQ6ARVP macro must be YES. If this parameter is NO, and you decide to place archive log data sets on DASD, you receive message CSQJ072E each time an archive log data set is allocated, although IBM MQ still catalogs the data set.

If the archive log data set is held on DASD, the archive log data sets can extend to another volume; multivolume is supported.

If you choose to use DASD, make sure that the primary space allocation (both quantity and block size) is large enough to contain either the data coming from the active log data set, or that from the corresponding BSDS, whichever is the larger of the two.

This minimizes the possibility of unwanted z/OS X'B37' or X'E37' abend codes during the offload process. The primary space allocation is set with the PRIQTY (primary quantity) parameter of the CSQ6ARVP macro.

From IBM MQ 8.0, archive log data sets can exist on large or extended-format sequential data sets. SMS ACS routines can now use DSNTYPE(LARGE) or DSNTYPE(EXT). These were not supported before IBM MQ 8.0.

IBM MQ supports allocation of archive logs as extended format data sets. When extended format is used, the maximum archive log size is increased from 65535 tracks to the maximum active log size of 4GB. Archive logs are eligible for allocation in the extended addressing space (EAS) of extended address volumes (EAV).

Where the required hardware and software levels are available, allocating archive logs to a data class defined with COMPACTION using zEDC might reduce the disk storage required to hold archive logs. For more information, see IBM MQ for z/OS: Reducing storage occupancy with IBM zEnterprise Data Compression (zEDC).

See Using the zEnterprise Data Compression (zEDC) enhancements for details on hardware and software levels, as well as example RACF profile changes.

The z/OS data set encryption feature can be applied to archive logs for queue managers running at IBM MQ 8.0 or later. These archive logs must be allocated through Automatic Class Selection (ACS) routines to a data class defined with EXTENDED attributes, and a data set key label that ensures the data is AES encrypted.

Using SMS with archive log data sets

If you have MVS™/DFP storage management subsystem ( DFSMS) installed, you can write an Automatic Class Selection (ACS) user-exit filter for your archive log data sets, which helps you convert them for the SMS environment.

Such a filter, for example, can route your output to a DASD data set, which DFSMS can manage. You must exercise caution if you use an ACS filter in this manner. Because SMS requires DASD data sets to be cataloged, you must make sure the CATALOG DATA field of the CSQ6ARVP macro contains YES. If it does not, message CSQJ072E is returned; however, the data set is still cataloged by IBM MQ.

For more information about ACS filters, see Data sets that DFSMShsm dynamically allocates .