[V8.0.0.4 Oct 2015]

What's new and changed in Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4

Changes to functions and resources in IBM® MQ 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 are described in this section.


Limiting the expiry time of messages

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4, administrators can limit the expiry time of any message put to a queue or topic by using the CAPEXPRY attribute specified in the CUSTOM attribute on the queue or topic.

[z/OS]To enable this feature on z/OS®, you must apply APAR PI50761 and enable the new feature with the MQSC command RECOVER QMGR (TUNE CAPEXPRY ON).
Important: The RECOVER QMGR command is reserved for use by IBM, and should normally only be used under guidance by IBM support.

[z/OS]You can either enter the command at a console, or to the queue manager configuration, by adding to a file processed in the CSQINP2 concatenation during queue manager start up. Note that the effect of the command does not persist over a queue manager restart.

For more information on message expiry processing, see Enforcing lower expiration times.


Support for IBM MQ Light APIs

IBM MQ Light is a product and messaging API that aims to make it quicker and easier for developers to make their applications more responsive and scalable. IBM MQ supports MQ Light APIs by using a new channel type of AMQP. The AMQP channel defines a port number at startup, which accepts connections from MQ Light applications.

Install the AMQP Service component by using the IBM MQ V8.0.0.4 manufacturing refresh, not the V8.0.0.4 Fix Pack. You cannot install the AMQP component on a version of the queue manager earlier than V8.0.0.4.

For an overview, see Introduction to IBM MQ support for IBM MQ Light APIs and for examples of how to use IBM MQ with MQ Light, see MQ Light scenarios.


Support for SSL and TLS checking incorporated into product

Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 incorporates the SSL checking facility, originally carried out through SupportPac MH03, by means of the mqcertck command. See mqcertck for further information.


Redistributable clients

Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 includes redistributable client images on the Linux® x86-64 and Windows 64-bit platforms. See Redistributable clients for further information.


Protection of database authentication details

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4, when the XAOpenString contains a password, you can get IBM MQ to protect this information, rather than having the password visible in plain text in the qm.ini file. IBM MQ stores the user name and the password (in an encrypted form) in a different file, and uses these credentials to connect to the database. For details, see Protection of database authentication details.


Authority configuration events

Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 provides event messages that allow you to capture the audit trail of changes to your authority records, and the means of creating the initial base line picture using the a new attribute (AUTHREC) on the REFRESH QMGR command.


Differently named IBM MQ C++ libraries

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4, IBM MQ provides some additional C++ client libraries that are named differently. These libraries are built with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 C++ compiler. These libraries are provided in addition to the existing IBM MQ 8.0 C++ libraries that are built with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 C++ compiler. Since these additional IBM MQ C++ libraries have different names, you can run IBM MQ C++ applications that are compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and applications that are compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 on the same machine. For more information, see Building C++ programs on Windows.


Userid and password for managed .NET client applications

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4, the userid and password that are specified with the managed .NET client application are set in the IBM MQ .NET MQChannelDefinition class that is passed to the client security exit. For more information, see Using channel exits in IBM WebSphere MQ .NET.


Support for Docker

Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 introduces support for Docker on the Linux x86-64 platform.

See Configuring IBM MQ using Docker for further information on how you use Docker with IBM MQ.


IBM MQ Virtual System Pattern Type

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4, IBM MQ Virtual System Pattern Type is available for Power® AIX® as well as Linux. On Power AIX, it runs on IBM PureApplication® System W2700, version 2.1.2. For more information, see Overview of IBM MQ Virtual System Pattern Type.


IBM MQ classes for JMS in IMS

Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 adds support for using IBM MQ classes for JMS in IMS.

For more information, see Using IBM MQ classes for JMS in IMS .


New MFT agent property failTransferOnFirstFailure

From IBM MQ 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4, you can configure an agent to fail a managed transfer as soon as a transfer item within that managed transfer fails by setting the failTransferOnFirstFailure property in the agent.properties file. For more information, see The agent.properties file.