MQSERVER environment variable is used to define a minimal channel. MQSERVER specifies the location of the IBM® MQ server and the communication method to be used.
You cannot use MQSERVER to define an SSL channel or a channel with channel exits. For details of how to define an SSL channel, see Protecting channels with SSL.
ConnectionName must be a fully-qualified network name. The ChannelName cannot contain the forward slash (/) character because this character is used to separate the channel name, transport type, and connection name. When the MQSERVER environment variable is used to define a client channel, a maximum message length (MAXMSGL) of 100 MB is used. Therefore the maximum message size in effect for the channel is the value specified in the SVRCONN channel at the server.
- For Windows:
SET MQSERVER=ChannelName/TransportType/ConnectionName
- For UNIX and Linux® systems:
export MQSERVER='ChannelName/TransportType/ConnectionName'
For IBM i:
ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(MQSERVER) VALUE('ChannelName/TransportType/ConnectionName')
For z/OS®
- LU62
ConnectionName can be a comma-separated list of connection names. The connection names in the list are used in a similar way to multiple connections in a client connection table. The ConnectionName list might be used as an alternative to queue manager groups to specify multiple connections for the client to try. If you are configuring a multi-instance queue manager, you might use a ConnectionName list to specify different queue manager instances.