Uninstalling IBM MQ on Linux

On Linux®, you can uninstall the IBM® MQ server or client using the rpm command.

Before you begin

If you have applied one or more fix packs to the version of IBM MQ that you want to uninstall, you need to remove the fix packs in reverse chronological install order before you remove the base packages.

You must remove any updates before starting this uninstallation procedure. For more information, see Linux: Restoring the previous maintenance level on IBM MQ .


  1. Stop all IBM MQ applications associated with the installation you are uninstalling.
  2. For a server installation, end any IBM MQ activity associated with the installation you are uninstalling:
    1. Log in as a user in the group mqm.
    2. Set up your environment to work with the installation you want to uninstall. Enter the following command:
      . MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/bin/setmqenv -s
      where MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH refers to the location where IBM MQ is installed.
    3. Display the state of all queue managers on the system. Enter the following command:
      dspmq -o installation
    4. Stop all running queue managers associated with the installation you want to uninstall. Enter the following command for each queue manager:
      endmqm QMgrName
    5. Stop any listeners associated with the queue managers. Enter the following command for each queue manager:
      endmqlsr -m QMgrName
  3. Log in as root.
  4. Uninstall IBM MQ using the rpm command:
    1. On a system with a single installation:
      1. Find out the names of the packages (components) currently installed on your system, by entering the following command:
        rpm -qa | grep MQSeries
      2. Remove all the components at the same time by appending all the package names to the rpm command arguments. For example, to remove the runtime, Server and SDK components enter the following command:
        rpm -ev MQSeriesRuntime MQSeriesServer MQSeriesSDK
        Tip: To list the packages, and uninstall them in one go, use a command like the following one:
        rpm -qa | grep MQSeries | xargs rpm -ev
      3. If you are using Ubuntu, add the --force-debian attribute. For example, to remove the runtime, Server and SDK components enter the following command:
        rpm --force-debian -ev MQSeriesRuntime MQSeriesServer MQSeriesSDK
    2. On a system with multiple installations:
      1. Find out the names of the packages (components) currently installed on your system, by entering the following command:
        rpm -qa | grep suffix
        where suffix is the unique name given to the packages when crtmqpkg was run at installation time. suffix is included in each of the package names that belong to a particular installation.
      2. Remove all the components at the same time by appending all the package names to the rpm command arguments. For example, to remove the runtime, Server and SDK components for an installation with the suffix MQ80, enter the following command:
        rpm -ev MQSeriesRuntime-MQ80 MQSeriesServer-MQ80 MQSeriesSDK-MQ80
      3. If you are using Ubuntu, add the --force-debian attribute. For example, to remove the runtime, Server and SDK components for an installation with the suffix MQ80, enter the following command:
        rpm --force-debian -ev MQSeriesRuntime-MQ80 MQSeriesServer-MQ80 MQSeriesSDK-MQ80


After uninstallation, certain files under the directory trees /var/mqm and /etc/opt/mqm are not removed. These files contain user data and remain so subsequent installations can reuse the data. Most of the remaining files contain text, such as INI files, error logs, and FDC files. The directory tree /var/mqm/shared contains files that are shared across installations, including the executable shared libraries libmqzsd.so and libmqzsd_r.so.

What to do next

  • If the product successfully uninstalled, you can delete any files and directories contained in the installation directory.
  • If there are no other IBM MQ installations on the system, and you are not planning to reinstall or migrate, you can delete the /var/mqm and /etc/opt/mqm directory trees, including the files libmqzsd.so and libmqzsd_r.so. Deleting these directories destroys all queue managers and their associated data.