IBM MQ license information

What you can purchase with IBM® MQ and what each purchase entitles you to install.

Notice: This License Guide provides supplementary information to assist you in deploying the Programs you licensed from IBM within your purchased entitlement. Your license agreement (such as the IBM International Program License Agreement (IPLA) or equivalent, and its transaction documents, including the License Information for the IBM MQ product offering) is the sole and complete agreement between you and IBM regarding use of the Program.

What you can purchase with IBM MQ

Distributed platforms

For IBM MQ on distributed platforms, the product offering contains the following chargeable components that can be independently purchased:
5724-H72 IBM WebSphere® MQ
IBM WebSphere MQ (Server)
IBM WebSphere MQ Idle Standby
IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced
IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced Idle Standby
IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced for Developers (Free download but support may optionally be obtained.)
For the following chargeable components, existing Subscription and Support can be renewed. No new entitlement can be purchased. See the Announcement Letter for more information.
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security Idle Standby
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Service
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Service Idle Standby
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Agent


IBM MQ for z/OS contains five chargeable components that you can purchase independently:
IBM MQ for z/OS
IBM WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer for z/OS
IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security for z/OS
IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced for z/OS
IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS Value Unit Edition

What is my enterprise entitled to install?

Distributed platforms

For IBM MQ on distributed platforms the components below map directly to components that the IBM MQ installer can install, so for these the mapping between what you have purchased and what you can install is easy.
Important: The IBM MQ install media contains all the components, but you should only install the subset that you have purchased entitlement for.
5724-H72 IBM MQ
IBM MQ (Server)
  • All components that are not listed as part of the other chargeable components.
  • Unlimited installs of IBM MQ Client
IBM MQ Telemetry
  • Telemetry Service
IBM MQ Advanced Message Security
  • Advanced Message Security
IBM WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Service
  • Managed File Transfer Logger
  • Managed File Transfer Service
  • Managed File Transfer Tools
IBM WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Agent
  • Managed File Transfer Agent
  • Managed File Transfer Logger
  • Managed File Transfer Tools


For products on z/OS the install media contains only what you have purchased:
IBM MQ for z/OS
IBM WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer for z/OS
IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security for z/OS
IBM IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS Value Unit Edition
IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS

IBM MQ for z/OS Value Unit Edition (VUE) is restricted to 'Eligible workload' in a zNALC partition, as defined in the product license.

What is IBM MQ Advanced?

IBM MQ Advanced has been introduced to simplify the process of purchasing entitlement. Your enterprise pays one price and obtains entitlement to multiple IBM MQ components.

The IBM MQ Advanced parts are:
5724-H72 IBM WebSphere MQ
IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced
IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced for Developers
IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced for z/OS
IBM MQ Advanced on distributed platforms gives your enterprise entitlement to install the following components up to your entitled capacity:
  • IBM WebSphere MQ (Server)
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Service
  • Unlimited installs of IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry
  • Unlimited installs of IBM WebSphere MQ Client
  • *New* Unlimited installs of IBM WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Agent, providing the Queue Manager the Agent connects to is entitled using IBM MQ Advanced capacity

Additionally, your enterprise can mix and matchIBM MQ versions as required. Therefore, your 100 PVUs of IBM WebSphere MQ (Server) entitlement could be split into 50 PVUs of the IBM WebSphere MQ 7.5 version and 50 PVUs of the IBM MQ 8.0 version of this component.

IBM MQ Advanced for Developers gives entitlement to the same set of components included with IBM MQ Advanced.
Attention: The IBM MQ license defines what is considered as development purposes.
IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced for z/OS gives entitlement to install the following components up to your entitled capacity:
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer for z/OS
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security for z/OS
  • Unlimited installs of IBM WebSphere MQ Client on distributed platforms
  • *New* Unlimited installs of IBM WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Agent on distributed platforms
Important: Your enterprise needs to purchase entitlement for the IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS base queue manager separately.

What are Idle Standby parts?

Idle Standby parts have been introduced to cater for high availability environments, where the passive system has IBM WebSphere MQ installed and available, but that system is not doing any IBM WebSphere MQ processing work, or activity, other than staying up to date with the configuration and activity of the active queue manager. In this case a lower charge might be applicable.
  1. Use of the IBM WebSphere MQ multi-instance queue manager feature also requires Idle Standby entitlement.
  2. There is no Idle Standby part for the IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry component. The same IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry part needs to be purchased for the active and passive system, unless you have IBM WebSphere MQ Idle Standby, in which case it is included.
  3. There is also no Idle Standby part for IBM WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Agent because the endpoint is not part of the server environment.