Sample error conditions creating a JMS object
A number of common error conditions can arise when you create an object.
The following are examples of these error conditions:
- CipherSpec mapped to CipherSuite
InitCtx/cn=Trash> DEFINE QCF(testQCF) SSLCIPHERSUITE(RC4_MD5_US) WARNING: Converting CipherSpec RC4_MD5_US to CipherSuite SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
- Invalid property for object
InitCtx/cn=Trash> DEFINE QCF(testQCF) PRIORITY(4) Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters supplied Invalid property for a QCF: PRI
- Invalid type for property value
InitCtx/cn=Trash> DEFINE QCF(testQCF) CCSID(english) Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters supplied Invalid value for CCS property: English
- Property clash - client/bindings
InitCtx/cn=Trash> DEFINE QCF(testQCF) HOSTNAME( Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters supplied Invalid property in this context: Client-bindings attribute clash
- Property clash - Exit initialization
InitCtx/cn=Trash> DEFINE QCF(testQCF) SECEXITINIT(initStr) Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters supplied Invalid property in this context: ExitInit string supplied without Exit string
- Property value outside valid range
InitCtx/cn=Trash> DEFINE Q(testQ) PRIORITY(12) Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters supplied Invalid value for PRI property: 12
- Unknown property
InitCtx/cn=Trash> DEFINE QCF(testQCF) PIZZA(ham and mushroom) Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters supplied Unknown property: PIZZA
The following are examples of error conditions that might arise on Windows when looking up JNDI administered objects from a JMS application.
- If you are using the WebSphere® JNDI provider,, you must use a forward slash (/) to access administered objects defined in subcontexts; for example, jms/MyQueueName. If you use a backslash (\), an InvalidNameException is thrown.
- If you are using the Oracle JNDI provider, com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory, you must use a backslash (\) to access administered objects defined in subcontexts; for example, ctx1\\fred. If you use a forward slash (/), a NameNotFoundException is thrown.