Linux: Migrating from IBM MQ Telemetry Version 7.0.1 to Version 8.0

Follow these instructions to migrate IBM® MQ Telemetry from Version 7.0.1 to Version 8.0 on Linux®.

Before you begin

Before proceeding with this task, ensure that you back up your existing IBM MQ installation. You must stop the IBM MQ Telemetry service SYSTEM.MQXR.SERVICE before migrating.

About this task

This task outlines the steps necessary to migrate your existing installation of IBM MQ Telemetry to Version 8.0 on Linux systems.


  1. Uninstall IBM MQ Telemetry Version 7.0.1, following this procedure:
    1. Navigate to the uninstallation directory. The default location on Linux is /opt/mqm/mqxr/Uninstall_MQTT.
    2. Start the uninstaller, using the executable or binary file. On Linux systems, run ./Uninstall_MQTelemetry -i GUI. The uninstaller starts and summarizes what is to be uninstalled.
    3. Click Uninstall. The uninstaller lists the items being uninstalled.
    4. Click Done.
  2. Verify that the data folders still exist. Consult your MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH environment variable to find these folders.
  3. IBM MQ Telemetry is installed in one of two ways:
  4. Verify that the IBM MQ Telemetry migration was successful. See Verifying the installation of IBM MQ Telemetry .


Message AMQ4616 indicates completion of the task. The existing MQTT channels and previous subscriptions are still present.