IBM i: Migrating an IBM MQ classes for JMS and Java client
If you have IBM® MQ Java SupportPac MA88 installed, you must uninstall it first.
Before you begin
- SupportPac MQ88 is installed.
- If you try to install the latest version of IBM MQ classes for Java anyway, the installation fails with a warning requesting you to uninstall the old client. You must follow the steps in this task to uninstall IBM MQ classes for Java and IBM MQ classes for JMS.
- A previous version of IBM MQ classes for Java is installed.
- Installation of the latest version of IBM MQ classes for Java uninstalls the previous version automatically. Do not follow the steps in this task.
About this task
The steps in this task uninstall the IBM MQ classes for JMS and Java.
To uninstall the previous IBM MQ Java client: