The log files
Log files contain information needed for transaction recovery. Active log files can be archived so that you can keep log data for a long period.
What is a log file
- Persistent messages
- IBM MQ objects, such as queues
- The IBM MQ queue manager
The active log comprises a collection of data sets (up to 310) which are used cyclically.
You can enable log archiving so that when an active log fills a copy is made in an archive data set. Using archiving allows you to keep log data for an extended period. If you do not use archiving, the logs wrap and earlier data is overwritten. To recover a page set, or recover data in a CF structure, you need log data from when the backup of the page set or structure was taken. An archive log can be created on disk or on tape.
Because the active log has a fixed size, IBM MQ copies the contents of each log data set periodically to an archive log, which is normally a data set on a direct-access storage device (DASD) or a magnetic tape. If there is a subsystem or transaction failure, IBM MQ uses the active log and, if necessary, the archive log for recovery.
The archive log can contain up to 1000 sequential data sets. You can catalog each data set using the z/OS® integrated catalog facility (ICF).
Archiving is an essential component of IBM MQ recovery. If a unit of recovery is a long-running one, log records within that unit of recovery might be found in the archive log. In this case, recovery requires data from the archive log. However, if archiving is switched off, the active log with new log records wraps, overwriting earlier log records. This means that IBM MQ might not be able to back out the unit of recovery and messages might be lost. The queue manager then terminates abnormally.
Therefore, in a production environment, never switch archiving off. If you do, you run the risk of losing data after a system or transaction failure. Only if you are running in a test environment can you consider switching archiving off. If you need to do this, use the CSQ6LOGP macro, which is described in Using CSQ6LOGP.
To help prevent problems with unplanned long-running units of work, IBM MQ issues a message ( CSQJ160I or CSQJ161I ) if a long-running unit of work is detected during active log offload processing.
Dual logging
In dual logging, each log record is written to two different active log data sets to minimize the likelihood of data loss problems during restart.
You can configure IBM MQ to run with either single logging or dual logging. With single logging, log records are written once to an active log data set. Each active log data set is a single-extent VSAM linear data set (LDS). With dual logging, each log record is written to two different active log data sets. Dual logging minimizes the likelihood of data loss problems during restart.
Log shunting
Log shunting causes the log records for some units of work to be written further down the log. This reduces the amount of log data that must be read at queue manager restart, or backout, for long running or long term in-doubt units of work.
When a unit of work is considered to be long, a representation of each log record is written further down the log. This technique is known as shunting. When the whole of the unit of work has been processed, the unit of work is in a shunted state. Any backout or restart activity relating to the shunted unit of work can use the shunted log records instead of using the original unit of work log records.
Detecting a long-running unit of work is a function of the checkpoint process. At checkpoint time, each active unit of work is checked to establish whether it needs to be shunted. If the unit of work has been through two prior checkpoints since it was created, or since it was last shunted, the unit of work is suitable to be shunted. This means that a single unit of work might be shunted more than once. This is known as a multi-shunted unit of work.
A unit of work is shunted every three checkpoints. However the checkpoint is performed asynchronously to the log-switch (or the writing of the log record which caused LOGLOAD to be exceeded).
There is only a single checkpoint taking place at a time, so there might be multiple log-switches before a checkpoint completes.
This means that if there are not enough active logs, or if they are too small, then shunting of a large unit of work might not complete before all the logs are filled.
Message CSQR027I results if shunting is unable to complete.
If log archiving is turned off, ABEND 5C6 with reason 00D1032A occurs if there is an attempt to back out the unit of work for which shunting failed. To avoid this problem you should use OFFLOAD=YES.
Log shunting is always active, and runs whether log archiving is enabled or not.
For more information about log shunting, see Managing the logs.
Log compression
You can configure IBM MQ for z/OS to compress and decompress log records as they are written and read from the log data set.
You can use fields within the Log manager section of the System Management Facility 115 (SMF) records to monitor how much data compression is achieved. For more information about SMF, see Using the System Management Facility and Accounting and statistics messages.
Log compression increases the processor utilization of the system. You should only consider using compression if throughput of your queue manager is constrained by the IO bandwidth writing to the log data sets or you are constrained by the disk storage needed to hold log data sets. If you are using shared queues then IO bandwidth constraints can be relieved by adding additional queue managers to the queue sharing group and distributing the workload across more queue managers.
The log compression option can be enabled and disabled as required without the need to stop and restart the queue manager. The queue manager can read any compressed log records regardless of the current log compression setting.
The queue manager supports 3 settings for log compression.
- No log data compression is used. This is the default value.
- Log data compression is performed using run-length encoding (RLE).
- Enable the queue manager to select the compression algorithm that gives the greatest degree of log record compression. This option results in RLE compression.
- The SET and DISPLAY LOG commands in MQSC; see SET LOG and DISPLAY LOG
- The Set Log and Inquire Log functions in the PCF interface; see Set log and Inquire log
- The CSQ6LOGP macro in the system parameter module; see Using CSQ6LOGP
In addition the Log Print utility CSQ1LOGP has support for expanding any compressed log records.
Log data
The log can contain up to 18 million million million (1.8*10 19 ) bytes. Each byte can be addressed by its offset from the beginning of the log, and that offset is known as its relative byte address (RBA).
The RBA is referenced by a 6-byte or 8-byte field giving a total addressable range of 2 48 bytes, or 2 64 bytes, depending on whether 6-byte or 8-byte log RBAs are in use.
However, when IBM MQ detects that the used range is beyond F00000000000 (if 6-byte RBAs are in use) or FFFF800000000000 (if 8-byte log RBAs are in use), messages CSQI045, CSQI046, CSQI047, and CSQJ032 are issued, warning you to reset the log RBA.
If the RBA value reaches FFF800000000 (if 6-byte log RBAs are in use) or FFFFFFC000000000 (if 8-byte log RBAs are in use) the queue manager terminates with reason code 00D10257.
Once the warning messages about the used log range are being issued, you should plan a queue manager outage during which the queue manager can be converted to use 8-byte log RBAs, or the log can be reset. The procedure to reset the log is documented in Resetting the queue manager's log.
If your queue manager is using 6-byte log RBAs, consider converting the queue manager to use 8-byte log RBAs rather than resetting the queue manager's log, following the procedure documented in Implementing the larger log Relative Byte Address.
The log consists of log records, each of which is a set of log data treated as a single unit. A log record is identified either by the RBA of the first byte of its header, or by its log record sequence number (LRSN). The RBA or LRSN uniquely identifies a record that starts at a particular point in the log.
Whether you use the RBA or LRSN to identify log points depends on whether you are using queue-sharing groups. In a queue-sharing environment, you cannot use the relative byte address to uniquely identify a log point, because multiple queue managers can update the same queue at the same time, and each has its own log. To solve this, the log record sequence number is derived from a timestamp value, and does not necessarily represent the physical displacement of the log record within the log.
Each log record has a header that gives its type, the IBM MQ subcomponent that made the record, and, for unit of recovery records, a unit of recovery identifier.
Unit of recovery log records
Most of the log records describe changes to IBM MQ queues. All such changes are made within units of recovery.
IBM MQ uses special logging techniques involving undo/redo and compensating log records to reduce restart times and improve system availability.
One effect of this is that the restart time is bounded. If a failure occurs during a restart so that the queue manager has to be restarted a second time, all the recovery activity that completed to the point of failure in the first restart does not need to be reapplied during a second restart. This means that successive restarts do not take progressively longer times to complete.
Checkpoint records
- When a predefined number of log records has been written. This number is defined by the checkpoint frequency operand called LOGLOAD of the system parameter macro CSQ6SYSP, described in Using CSQ6SYSP.
- At the end of a successful restart.
- At normal termination.
- Whenever IBM MQ switches to the next active log data set in the cycle.
At the time a checkpoint is taken, IBM MQ issues the DISPLAY CONN command (described in DISPLAY CONN ) internally so that a list of connections currently in doubt is written to the z/OS console log.
Page set control records
These records register the page sets and buffer pools known to the IBM MQ queue manager at each checkpoint, and record information about the log ranges required to perform media recovery of the page set at the time of the checkpoint.
Certain dynamic changes to page sets and buffer pools are also written as page set control records, so that the changes can be recovered and automatically reinstated at the next queue manager restart.
CF structure backup records
These records hold data read from a coupling facility list structure in response to a BACKUP CFSTRUCT command. In the unlikely event of a coupling facility structure failure, these records are used, together with unit of recovery records, by the RECOVER CFSTRUCT command to perform media recovery of the coupling facility structure to the point of failure.