Displaying messages in your national language on Windows systems
To display messages from a different national language message catalog, you must either set the MQS_FORCE_NTLANGID environment variable, or change a Regional setting.
About this task
Messages in the national languages that IBM MQ
supports are automatically installed. Messages are displayed in the national language, based on the
following order:
If you require
messages in a language other than the one associated with the Region Format of a user account,
perform the following steps: - The value of the MQS_FORCE_NTLANGID environment variable, if set.
- The Region Format of the user that is displaying the message, if the language specified by the Region Format is supported by IBM MQ.
- The Administrative system locale if the language specified by the system locale is supported by IBM MQ.
- US English, if no other supported language can be determined.
Note: The queue manager is usually launched by a service on the machine, and hence is running
under its own user account (for example MUSR_MQADMIN) or a specific domain account provided during
install time. See Local and domain
user accounts for the IBM MQ
Windows service for more information.