
Displaying messages in your national language on Windows systems

To display messages from a different national language message catalog, you must either set the MQS_FORCE_NTLANGID environment variable, or change a Regional setting.

About this task

Messages in U.S. English are automatically installed with IBM® MQ
Messages in the national languages that IBM MQ supports are automatically installed. Messages are displayed in the national language, based on the following order:
  1. The value of the MQS_FORCE_NTLANGID environment variable, if set.
  2. The Region Format of the user that is displaying the message, if the language specified by the Region Format is supported by IBM MQ.
  3. The Administrative system locale if the language specified by the system locale is supported by IBM MQ.
  4. US English, if no other supported language can be determined.
Note: The queue manager is usually launched by a service on the machine, and hence is running under its own user account (for example MUSR_MQADMIN) or a specific domain account provided during install time. See Local and domain user accounts for the IBM MQ Windows service for more information.
If you require messages in a language other than the one associated with the Region Format of a user account, perform the following steps:


  1. Globally set the MQS_FORCE_NTLANGID environment variable, to the language identifier of the desired language, for messages displayed by the queue manager.
    You should set the MQS_FORCE_NTLANGID system wide. Otherwise, every user displaying messages needs to have the environment variable set individually.

    The language identifier values, represented in hexadecimal notation, are listed in the following Microsoft document: Language Identifier Constants and Strings

  2. Reboot machines where queue managers are running as a service, for the environment variable to take effect.