Installing an IBM MQ client on HP Integrity NonStop Server systems

Installing an IBM® MQ client on a HP Integrity NonStop Server system.

Before you begin

Before you start the installation procedure, make sure that you complete the necessary steps that are outlined in Setting up the user and group on HP Integrity NonStop Server.

About this task

After preparing your system for installation, install the IBM MQ client for HP Integrity NonStop Server by following the instructions. After installation, you might want to verify your installation to check that it installed successfully. There are three steps to the installation:
  1. Downloading the installation package.
  2. Running the installer.
  3. Setting the environment.


  1. Log in to the OSS user ID that owns the installation. The OSS user ID must have MQM as its primary group.
  2. Download the installation package file. Ensure that you use "binary mode" when you download the installation package file to OSS. Any corruption in the file causes the self-extracting archive to fail to run. After you have downloaded the package file, ensure that it has read and execute permissions for the user ID that is installing the package.
  3. Set the _RLD_FIRST_LIB_PATH variable to <install path>/opt/mqm/bin
  4. Optional: Make your current directory the location of the installation file.
  5. Type the following command to start the interactive installation procedure:
    ./<name of package file> -i <OSS install_root> -g <Guardian install_root>


    <name of package file> is the name of the installation package.

    <OSS install_root> is the OSS root directory of the new installation.

    <Guardian install_root> is the Guardian subvolume for the new installation.

    Both -i and -g options are mandatory.
    • -i specifies the new or empty OSS directory that contains the opt/mqm and var/mqm directories of the installation.
    • -g specifies the subvolume into which the Guardian components of the IBM MQ client on a HP Integrity NonStop Server are installed. The Guardian subvolume can be specified in either OSS-form or Guardian-form and can be abbreviated. The Guardian subvolume specification is not case sensitive. The following are examples of valid Guardian subvolume specifications:
      • /G/vol/subvol
      • vol/subvol
      • \$VOL.SUBVOL
      • vol.subvol
  6. Optional: For OSS, set your environment by installing the binaries into your path. To do this, type the following command:
    export PATH=$PATH:<OSS_install_root>/opt/mqm/bin

    where <OSS_install_root> is the OSS root directory of the new installation.


To install the IBM MQ client for HP Integrity NonStop Server from package, type the following command:

./ -i ~install/mq75client -g /G/data04/mqm

The command installs the OSS components into new opt/mqm and var/mqm directories in ~install/mq75client. It installs the Guardian components into /G/data04/mqm.

What to do next

For instructions on how to verify your installation, see Verifying a client installation.