Create a subscription to a topic using IBM® MQ Explorer and publish to the topic using IBM MQTT client utility.
About this task
The task demonstrates publishing a message with an MQTT client and receiving the publication using an unmanaged durable subscription created using IBM MQ Explorer.
Create a durable subscription to the topic string
MQTT Example
Do the following steps to create the queue, and subscription using IBM MQ Explorer.
Right-click the Queue Managers\QmgrName\Queues folder in the IBM MQ Explorer> New > Local queue....
Type MQTTExampleQueue as the queue name > Finish.
Right-click the Queue Managers\QmgrName\Subscriptions folder in the IBM MQ Explorer> New > Subscription....
Type MQTTExampleSubscription as the queue name > Next.
Click Select... > MQTTExampleTopic > OK.
Type MQTTExampleQueue as the destination name > Finish.
As an optional step, set the queue up for use by a different user, without mqm authority.
Authorize a user to put and get to the queue MQTTExampleQueue:
setmqaut -m qMgrName -t queue -n MQTTExampleQueue -p User ID -all +put +get
Hello IBM MQ!
to the topic MQTT Example
using the MQTT client utility.
If you have not left the MQTT client utility connected, right-click the PlainText channel> Run MQTT Client Utility... > Connect.
MQTT Example
into the Publication\Topic field.
Hello IBM MQ!
into the Publication\Message field> Publish.
Open the Queue Managers\QmgrName\Queues folder and find MQTTExampleQueue.
The Current queue depth field is 1
Right-click MQTTExampleQueue > Browse messages... and examine the publication.