Preparing to migrate a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment cell for z/OS

Before migrating a WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment cell to WebSphere Application Server for z/OS® Version 9.0 perform the following actions: inventory your existing configuration, plan your node-by-node strategy, and generate the CNTL and DATA datasets that you will use in the actual migration.

Before you begin

Supported configurations:

This topic is about profile configuration migration. To migrate your applications to the latest version, use the WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit.

Read Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability and Migration considerations.

WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Version 9.0 supplies migration jobs in the target dataset that you allocate when you generate your migration jobs. Use these jobs to perform the actual migration.

For help, read Troubleshooting migration.


  1. Inventory your configurations.
    Enter the values for your configurations on a printed copy of the following tables:
    • WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Version 7.0 or later configuration general information:
      Table 1. Configuration general information. Enter your values:
      Item Value                                                              
      Cell short name:  
      Cell long name:  
      Sysplex name:  
      Configuration file system strategy:

      __ All nodes share one file system

      __ Unique file system per node

      Job Control Language (JCL) start procedure strategy:

      __ Use common JCL

      __ Unique JCL per server

      Location of original Version 7.0 or later configuration datasets:  
      WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 or later home directory (configuration file system):  
      You also need a WebSphere Application Server for z/OS administrator user ID and password.
    • WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Version 7.0 or later deployment manager node:
      Table 2. Configuration general information. Enter your values:
      Item Value                                                              
      Configuration mount point:  
      Configuration file system dataset:  
      Home directory:


      Your value: ___________________

      WebSphere Application Server SMP/E home:

      Default: /usr/lpp/zWebSphere/V7R0

      Your value: ____________________

      Controller JCL start procedure:  
      Servant JCL start procedure:  
      Daemon JCL start procedure:  
    • WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Version 9.0 installation information:
      Table 3. Installation information. Enter your values:
      Item Value                                                              
      Product dataset HLQ:  
      Product directory (installation location for Version 9.0):  
      WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0 in LPA/LNKLST?:

      __ No

      __ Yes

  2. Plan the node-by-node migration strategy.
    Map out your migration sequence on a printed copy of the following table:
    Table 4. Migration sequence. Enter your values:
    Item Node Short Name System Name
    Deployment manager node    
    Second node    
    Third node    
    Fourth node    
    Fifth node    
    Sixth node    
  3. Produce migration CNTL and DATA datasets for each node that you want to migrate.

    You must provide a set of CNTL and DATA datasets for the migration utilities to read in order to perform the migration. Generate a set of customized jobs for each node in your configuration that you want to migrate.

    Graphic depicting CNTL and DATA datasets
    Some important points about these steps:

    The purpose of creating these customized CNTL and DATA datasets is to give the migration utilities access to key information about your new Version 9.0 configuration as well as access to shell scripts customized with this new information. The migration utilities get the bulk of the configuration information from your existing Version 7.0 or later configuration file system.

  4. Examine your trace control settings prior to migration.
    Setting ras_trace_outputlocation to TRCFILE requires that you manually modify the start procedure for the new WebSphere Application Server to include a TRCFILE DD statement. This manual modification must be performed before the new WebSphere Application Server and associated daemons are started.