
Follow the procedure to install the License Service for stand-alone software.

The link directs you to the instructions on installing the standalone version of IBM License Service included in the IBM Cloud Pak™ Foundational Services. It is important to note that the BAMOE is not part of IBM Cloud Pak™.

Tracking BAMOE License

After installing BAMOE Canvas and its dependencies following the installation tutorial, run the following commands depending on where BAMOE Canvas was installed.

  • OpenShift

    oc patch deployment <bamoe-canvas_deployment_name> -p \
      '{"spec": {"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"productID":"46b14c7f2f894218a7879b3f6416024f", "productName": "IBM Decision Manager Open Edition", "productMetric": "VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_CORE", "productChargedContainers": "All"}}}} }'
  • Kubernetes

    kubectl patch deployment <bamoe-canvas_deployment_name> -p \
      '{"spec": {"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"productID":"46b14c7f2f894218a7879b3f6416024f", "productName": "IBM Decision Manager Open Edition", "productMetric": "VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_CORE", "productChargedContainers": "All"}}}} }'

    Where bamoe-canvas_deployment_name is the name of the Deployment resource created when you installed BAMOE Canvas.

  • Alternative

    If you have installed BAMOE Canvas by using yaml resources, the deployment resource must be edited to add the following lines:

            productID: "46b14c7f2f894218a7879b3f6416024f"
            productName: "IBM Decision Manager Open Edition"
            productMetric: "VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_CORE"
            productChargedContainers: "All"