From the Home page, existing projects can be imported in several ways. Projects can be imported from a remote Git repository, a local file or folder, or a URL pointing to a specific Decision or Workflow file. GitHub Gists and Bitbucket Snippets are also supported.

Import section at the Home page of BAMOE Canvas
Figure 1. Import section at the Home page of BAMOE Canvas

The following sections outline the methods for importing files:

Uploading Files and Folders

To upload work stored locally, click on "Select files…" or "Select folder…". Drag-and-drop functionality is also supported.

Uploading locally stored Git repositories will ignore the .git directory, meaning that BAMOE Canvas will create a new repository without any history.

Importing a Public Git Repository

Paste the URL of the Git repository into the input field. BAMOE Canvas will automatically detect the default branch and a corresponding connected account based on the repository’s URL.

“Import” section at the Home page of BAMOE Canvas shown for a public GitHub repository, with a connected account automatically inferred based on the repository URL
Figure 2. “Import” section at the Home page of BAMOE Canvas shown for a public GitHub repository, with a connected account automatically inferred based on the repository URL.

To change the connected account or the branch being imported, click on "Change…" or "More options…".

Importing a Private Git Repository

To import a private Git repository, a connected Git account that can access the repository is required. This can be achieved from the "Import" section on the BAMOE Canvas Home page. Select "More options…" and paste the repository URL. The following screen should appear:

Example of attempting to import a private Git repository without a connected account selected
Figure 3. Example of attempting to import a private Git repository without a connected account selected.

To connect to an account, open the Authentication drop-down menu and choose “+ Connect to an account…”.

“Authentication select” on the “More options…” import modal, from BAMOE Canvas Home page
Figure 4. “Authentication select” on the “More options…” import modal, from BAMOE Canvas Home page

This will open the Accounts modal, where a Git provider can be selected and connected. Upon completion, the Import modal will display the selected account with the main branch selected by default:

Git import selection
Figure 5. Git import selection

Click "Clone" to import the repository into BAMOE Canvas.

BAMOE Canvas supports importing private repositories only from predefined Git providers.

Importing a GitHub Gist or Bitbucket Snippet

GitHub Gists and Bitbucket Snippets are treated as repositories. Paste the URL of the GitHub Gist or Bitbucket Snippet and click Clone. For private Gists, follow the steps outlined above for private Git repositories. Individual Gist and Snippet files can also be imported.

Importing an Individual File from a URL

BAMOE Canvas will first attempt to import any URL as a Git repository. If this fails, it will attempt to import it as an individual file, based on the file extension. Supported extensions include "dmn", "bpmn", and "bpmn2".