As mentioned previously, BAMOE Canvas does not feature its own authentication mechanism. Instead, BAMOE Canvas allows the linking of existing accounts from Git and Cloud providers. These accounts are utilized for Git operations such as Pull and Push, and for creating Dev Deployments, respectively.

All connected accounts are visible in the Accounts modal, which is accessible through the person icon in the top-right corner. This modal displays the number of repositories and deployments being used by those accounts. Clicking on the arrow provides further information about the accounts, including the date they were linked to BAMOE Canvas.

Accounts can be removed from BAMOE Canvas through the Accounts modal. Removing an account will result in repositories linked to Git provider accounts losing the ability to Push and Pull. The account linked to a repository can be changed at any time using the dropdown available on the Editor page of any file in the repository.

Figure 1. Accounts modal on BAMOE Canvas

The figure shows two connected accounts: one from from GitHub and another from a Kubernetes cluster, respectively.