
Set up your Maven environment, following these instructions for doing so Configuring Maven with BAMOE binaries.

Project Setup Options

With the migration of the BAMOE product to Quarkus 3 you now have these options:

  • Create a project manually

  • Create a new project using the BAMOE Canvas accelerator functionality. See Using Accelerators.

Creating a BAMOE Project Manually

Typically, Maven projects are created either using plugins or archetypes. You can use a simple Maven archetype to generate a basic Maven project, for example:

mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-simple -DarchetypeVersion=1.4 -DinteractiveMode=false

then update the pom.xml for the project with content from one of the following templates:

Sample Rules/Decision Application POM Template a sample POM that describes a typical rules/decisions project dependencies and plugins.

Sample Process Application POM Template a sample POM that describes a typical process project dependencies and plugins.

Editing within VS Code

  1. Open the project in VS Code. Within the explorer are the basic artifacts created by maven:

    1. src/main/java

    2. src/main/java/com/mycompany/app/

    3. test/java/com/mycompany/app/

    4. and others.

  2. Install IBM BAMOE Developer Tools for VS Code. This gives you access to the visual editors for DMN and BPMN files. It also allows you to create and edit testing scenarios for projects.

    IBM BAMOE Developer Tools for VS Code within the marketplace

Next Steps

Follow along with one of the examples in 15 minutes to complete setup and usage for the various use cases: business rules microservice, orchestration, or decision microservice.

Source Control

BAMOE Canvas is a standalone editor for BAMOE files, only works with git. Any git based tools should continue to work with BAMOE projects (i.e. vscode, git cli, GitHub Desktop, etc.). Add the code to git using a preferred tool, and push to a remote. More information about installing and using BAMOE Canvas can be found later in this documentation.