This guide provides instructions for deploying a business application to OpenShift using three different methods.

Ensure that the following prerequisites are in place before proceeding.


Deployment Options

Use the following methods to deploy the business application on OpenShift:

Build and Deploy on OpenShift

Use this method to build and deploy the application directly on OpenShift.

It will use a UBI OpenJDK base image from Red Hat (usually and add the compiled files from the Quarkus project to it before creating a Deployment.

  1. Log in to OpenShift CLI:

    oc login
  2. Add the OpenShift extension to the Quarkus project:

    mvn quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions='quarkus-openshift'
  3. Update the src/main/resources/ file to enable the creation of an OpenShift Route by adding the following properties (more info here):

    # OpenShift
    ## Route TLS configuration:
  4. Build and deploy the application:

    mvn install -Dquarkus.openshift.deploy=true

Build Locally with Docker and Automatically Deploy on OpenShift

This method involves building the application’s container image locally using Docker, pushing the image to the registry, and then automatically deploying it to OpenShift.

The image created in the process is based on the IBM Semeru image (, which can be customized by editing the Dockerfile.jvm file in src/main/docker.

  1. Log in to OpenShift CLI:

    oc login
  2. Add the OpenShift extension to the Quarkus project:

    mvn quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions='quarkus-openshift'
  3. Update the src/main/resources/ file with the following properties to configure the image and enable the creation of an OpenShift Route (more info here):

    # Container Image Builder
    quarkus.container-image.registry=<image_registry> (1)<image_registry_group_or_user> (2)<image_name> (3)
    quarkus.container-image.tag=<image_tag> (4)
    # OpenShift
    ## Route TLS configuration:
    1. The URL of the container image registry where the Docker image will be stored. Example:

    2. The group or user in the container image registry. Example: myuser.

    3. The name of the Docker image to be built. Example: myapp.

    4. The tag of the Docker image. Example: v1.0.0.

Replace these tokens with appropriate values based on the environment setup.

  1. Add the Dockerfile.jvm file to src/main/docker:

    # Switch to root
    USER 0
    # Copy the compiled application files from the local `target` directory to the `/app/` directory inside the container.
    COPY target /app/
    # Support Arbitrary User IDs
    RUN chgrp -R 0 /app && \
      chmod -R g+rwX /app
    # Switch back to a non-root user
    USER 1001
    WORKDIR /app
    EXPOSE 8080
    CMD ["java", "-jar", "quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar"]
  2. Build and deploy the application:

    mvn install -Dquarkus.openshift.deploy=true

Build Locally with Docker and Create Manual Deployment on OpenShift

This option provides a way to build the application’s container image locally using Docker, push the image to a registry, and manually deploy it on OpenShift.

The image created in the process is based on the IBM Semeru image (, which can be customized by editing the Dockerfile.jvm file in src/main/docker.

  1. Log in to OpenShift CLI:

    oc login
  2. Add the Docker extension to the Quarkus project:

    mvn quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions='quarkus-container-image-docker'
  3. Update the src/main/resources/ file with the following properties to configure the image:

    # Container Image Builder
    quarkus.container-image.registry=<image_registry> (1)<image_registry_group_or_user> (2)<image_name> (3)
    quarkus.container-image.tag=<image_tag> (4)
    1. The URL of the container image registry where the Docker image will be stored. Example:

    2. The group or user in the container image registry. Example: myuser.

    3. The name of the Docker image to be built. Example: myapp.

    4. The tag of the Docker image. Example: v1.0.0.

Replace these tokens with appropriate values based on the environment setup.

  1. Add the Dockerfile.jvm file to src/main/docker:

    # Switch to root
    USER 0
    # Copy the compiled application files from the local `target` directory to the `/app/` directory inside the container.
    COPY target /app/
    # Support Arbitrary User IDs
    RUN chgrp -R 0 /app && \
      chmod -R g+rwX /app
    # Switch back to a non-root user
    USER 1001
    WORKDIR /app
    EXPOSE 8080
    CMD ["java", "-jar", "quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar"]
  2. Build and push the Docker image:

    mvn install -Dquarkus.container-image.push=true
  3. Manually create a deployment and expose it on OpenShift:

    oc new-app --name=<deployment_name> <1> <image_registry>/<image_registry_group_or_user>/<image_name>:<image_tag> (2) (3) (4) (5)
    oc create route edge --service=<deployment_name> (1)
    1. Is the name of the OpenShift deployment that will be created. Example: myapp-deployment.

    2. The URL of the container image registry where the Docker image will be stored. Example:

    3. The group or user in the container image registry. Example: myuser.

    4. The name of the Docker image to be built. Example: myapp.

    5. The tag of the Docker image. Example: v1.0.0.


Choose the appropriate deployment method based on the development workflow and environment requirements.

For further customization or troubleshooting, refer to the official Quarkus guides: