IBM BAMOE Operator interaction with Prometheus and Grafana

IBM BAMOE provides a monitoring-prometheus-addon add-on that enables Prometheus metrics monitoring for IBM BAMOE services and generates Grafana dashboards that consume the default metrics exported by the add-on. The IBM BAMOE Operator uses the Prometheus Operator to expose the metrics from your IBM BAMOE project for Prometheus to scrape. Due to this dependency, the Prometheus Operator must be installed in the same namespace as your IBM BAMOE project.

When you deploy an IBM BAMOE service that uses the monitoring-prometheus-addon add-on and the Prometheus Operator is installed, the IBM BAMOE Operator creates a ServiceMonitor custom resource to expose the metrics for Prometheus, as shown in the following example:

Example ServiceMonitor resource for Prometheus
kind: ServiceMonitor
    app: onboarding-service
  name: onboarding-service
  namespace: kogito
  - path: /metrics
    targetPort: 8080
    scheme: http
    - kogito
      app: onboarding-service

You must manually configure your Prometheus custom resource that is managed by the Prometheus Operator to select the ServiceMonitor resource:

Example Prometheus resource
kind: Prometheus
  name: prometheus
  serviceAccountName: prometheus
      app: onboarding-service

After you configure your Prometheus resource with the ServiceMonitor resource, you can see the endpoint being scraped by Prometheus in the Targets page in the Prometheus web console:

Image of Kogito service targets view in Prometheus
Figure 1. Targets page in Prometheus web console

The metrics exposed by the IBM BAMOE service appear in the Graph view:

Image of Kogito service graph view in Prometheus
Figure 2. Graph view in Prometheus web console

The IBM BAMOE Operator also creates a GrafanaDashboard custom resource defined by the Grafana Operator for each of the Grafana dashboards generated by the add-on. The app label for the dashboards is the name of the deployed IBM BAMOE service. You must set the dashboardLabelSelector property of the Grafana custom resource according to the relevant IBM BAMOE service.

Example Grafana resource
kind: Grafana
  name: example-grafana
    enabled: true
      disable_signout_menu: true
      enabled: true
      level: warn
      mode: console
      admin_password: secret
      admin_user: root
    - matchExpressions:
        - key: app
          operator: In
            - my-kogito-application
Additional resources

Replacing IBM BAMOE services TrustStores

You can replace the default Java TrustStore that comes in IBM BAMOE images. Replacement of Java TrustStore is required when a given IBM BAMOE service makes HTTPS calls to services that require encrypted connections using a private Certificate Authority (CA).

  • The Java TrustStore replaces the default one. You must add the trusted certificates to the default JKS. As an alternative, you can create a new TrustStore that consists of the required IBM BAMOE service certificates.

Any IBM BAMOE service that is deployed in a given namespace can access the Java TrustStore if required.

To manipulate the Java TrustStore, you can use KeyExplorer or keytool that consists of JDK.

  1. Create a Kubernetes Secret based on the customized Java TrustStore:

    Example Kuberbetes Secret
    $ oc create secret generic kogito-truststore --from-file=cacerts=<path to your JKS> --from-literal=keyStorePassword=<TrustStore Password>

    You must define the secret keys as shown in the previous command. cacerts is used for the TrustStore file and keyStorePassword is used for the TrustStore password.

  2. Deploy the IBM BAMOE service that uses the TrustStore. For example:

    Example IBM BAMOE service deployment
    kind: KogitoRuntime
      name: my-service
      replicas: 1
      trustStoreSecret: kogito-truststore

Enabling Prometheus metrics monitoring in IBM BAMOE

Prometheus is an open source systems monitoring toolkit that you can use with IBM BAMOE to collect and store metrics related to the execution of Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) process models, business rules, and Decision Model and Notation (DMN) decision models. You can access the stored metrics through a REST API call to a configured application endpoint, through the Prometheus expression browser, or using a data-graphing tool such as Grafana.

  1. In your IBM BAMOE project, depending on the framework you are using, add one of the following dependencies to the pom.xml file to enable the Prometheus add-on:

    Add dependency for Prometheus Quarkus add-on

    By default, all stored metrics are exported to the configured monitoring module. If you want to disable certain metrics from being exported, you can set any of the following properties in the file of your IBM BAMOE project:

    Enable or disable specific metrics from being exported
  2. In the prometheus.yaml file of your Prometheus distribution, add the following settings in the scrape_configs section to configure Prometheus to scrape metrics from your IBM BAMOE service:

    Example scrape configurations in prometheus.yaml file
      job_name: 'kogito-metrics'
    metrics_path: /metrics
      - targets: ["localhost:8080"]

    Replace the values according to your IBM BAMOE service settings.

  3. In a command terminal, navigate to your IBM BAMOE project and run the project using your preferred run mode, such as development mode:

    On Quarkus
    mvn clean compile quarkus:dev

    After you start your IBM BAMOE service, Prometheus begins collecting metrics and IBM BAMOE publishes the metrics to the configured REST API endpoint.

  4. To verify the metrics configuration, use a REST client or curl utility to send a GET request to the configured /metrics endpoint, such as http://localhost:8080/metrics in this example:

    Example curl command to return Prometheus metrics
    curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/metrics
    Example response
    # HELP kogito_process_instance_completed_total Completed Process Instances
    # TYPE kogito_process_instance_completed_total counter
    # HELP kogito_process_instance_started_total Started Process Instances
    # TYPE kogito_process_instance_started_total counter
    kogito_process_instance_started_total{app_id="acme-travels",process_id="travels",} 1.0
    # HELP kogito_work_item_duration_seconds Work Items Duration
    # TYPE kogito_work_item_duration_seconds summary
    # HELP drl_match_fired_nanosecond Drools Firing Time
    # TYPE drl_match_fired_nanosecond histogram
    drl_match_fired_nanosecond_bucket{identifier="acme-travels",rule_name="Brazilian citizens require visa to Australia",le="1000000.0",} 1.0
    drl_match_fired_nanosecond_bucket{identifier="acme-travels",rule_name="Brazilian citizens require visa to Australia",le="2000000.0",} 1.0
    drl_match_fired_nanosecond_bucket{identifier="acme-travels",rule_name="Brazilian citizens require visa to Australia",le="3000000.0",} 1.0
    drl_match_fired_nanosecond_bucket{identifier="acme-travels",rule_name="Brazilian citizens require visa to Australia",le="4000000.0",} 1.0
    drl_match_fired_nanosecond_bucket{identifier="acme-travels",rule_name="Brazilian citizens require visa to Australia",le="5000000.0",} 1.0
    drl_match_fired_nanosecond_bucket{identifier="acme-travels",rule_name="Brazilian citizens require visa to Australia",le="6000000.0",} 1.0
    drl_match_fired_nanosecond_bucket{identifier="acme-travels",rule_name="Brazilian citizens require visa to Australia",le="7000000.0",} 1.0
    drl_match_fired_nanosecond_bucket{identifier="acme-travels",rule_name="Brazilian citizens require visa to Australia",le="8000000.0",} 1.0
    drl_match_fired_nanosecond_bucket{identifier="acme-travels",rule_name="Brazilian citizens require visa to Australia",le="9000000.0",} 1.0
    drl_match_fired_nanosecond_bucket{identifier="acme-travels",rule_name="Brazilian citizens require visa to Australia",le="+Inf",} 1.0
    drl_match_fired_nanosecond_count{identifier="acme-travels",rule_name="Brazilian citizens require visa to Australia",} 1.0
    drl_match_fired_nanosecond_sum{identifier="acme-travels",rule_name="Brazilian citizens require visa to Australia",} 789941.0
    # HELP kogito_process_instance_sla_violated_total Process Instances SLA Violated
    # TYPE kogito_process_instance_sla_violated_total counter
    # HELP kogito_process_instance_duration_seconds Process Instances Duration
    # TYPE kogito_process_instance_duration_seconds summary
    # HELP kogito_process_instance_running_total Running Process Instances
    # TYPE kogito_process_instance_running_total gauge
    kogito_process_instance_running_total{app_id="acme-travels",process_id="travels",} 1.0

    If the metrics are not available at the defined endpoint, review and verify the IBM BAMOE and Prometheus configurations described in this section.

    You can also interact with your collected metrics and application targets in the Prometheus expression browser at http://HOST:PORT/graph and http://HOST:PORT/targets, or integrate your Prometheus data source with a data-graphing tool such as Grafana:

    Image of targets in Prometheus expression browser
    Figure 3. Prometheus expression browser with IBM BAMOE service targets
    Image of application metrics in Grafana
    Figure 4. Grafana dashboard with IBM BAMOE service metrics

Grafana dashboards for default metrics in IBM BAMOE

If any of the Prometheus monitoring modules are imported as dependencies in the pom.xml file of your IBM BAMOE project, some Grafana dashboards that use the default metrics are generated under the folder target/classes/META-INF/resources/monitoring/dashboards/ every time you compile your IBM BAMOE service.

Two types of dashboards are exported depending on the decision model used on the endpoints:

  • Operational dashboard: This dashboard is generated for DMN and DRL endpoints and contains the following metrics:

    • Total number of requests on the endpoint

    • Average number of requests per minute on the endpoint

    • Quantiles on the elapsed time to evaluate the requests

    • Exception details

      Generated operational dashboard
      Figure 5. Generated operational dashboard example
  • Domain-specific dashboard: Currently this dashboard is exported only for DMN endpoints. The domain-specific dashboard contains a graph for each type of decision in the DMN model. Only the built-in types number, string, and boolean are currently supported.

    • If the output of the decision is a number type, the graph contains the quantiles for that metric on a sliding window of 3 minutes.

    • If the output is a boolean or a string type, the graph contains the number of occurrences for each output on a 10-minute average.

      Generated domain specific dashboard
      Figure 6. Generated domain-specific dashboard example
Generated dashboards for BPMN resources are currently not supported.

Custom Grafana dashboards in IBM BAMOE

You can add custom dashboards that are defined as json files in your project. For format specification and more information, see Official documentation page.

To add custom dashboards in your IBM BAMOE project, you must follow the following conventions:

  • Dashboard files must be stored in /src/main/resources/META-INF/dashboards directory

  • dashboard file names must start with domain-dashoboard (for domain specific dashboards) or operational-dashboard (for operational dashboards)

  • Dashboard file names must end with .json

  • Dashboard file names must not conflict with the auto-generated ones

  • The title attribute of custom dashboards must not conflict with the auto-generated attributes

Custom dashboards are available in the Grafana panel along with the auto-generated dashboards.

Disabling Grafana dashboards generation in IBM BAMOE

You can disable the generation of default dashboards in Prometheus metrics monitoring using the following properties:

Properties to disable default dashboards
  1. To disable Grafana dashboard, add a comma-separated list of dashboard identifiers to the following properties:

    Properties to disable Grafana dashboard

    The kogito.grafana.disabled.operational.dashboards property disables the generation of operational dashboards and kogito.grafana.disabled.domain.dashboards property disables the generation of domain dashboards.

    For example, a project containing the following resources uses the default configuration and generates the default dashboards:

    Example project resources
    Traffic Violation.dmn

    The following are the default generated dashboards in IBM BAMOE:

    Table 1. Example default generated dashboards for a project
    Dashboard type Dashboard name




    Traffic Violation




    Traffic Violation

    If you use the following configuration in the file, the generation of Hello and Traffic Violation operational dashboards, and LoanEligibility domain dashboard is avoided.

    Configuration for disabling specific dashboards
    kogito.grafana.disabled.operational.dashboards=Hello,Traffic Violation
    Table 2. Customized generation of dashboards in IBM BAMOE
    Dashboard type Dashboard name





    Traffic Violation


    The spaces between the dashboard identifiers are eliminated as follows:

    Example dashboard identifiers with spaces
    Hello, Traffic Violation, LoanEligibility
    Example dashboard identifiers without spaces
    "Traffic Violation"

    However, the spaces within a dashboard identifier are maintained as follows:

    Example dashboard identifiers with spaces
    Traffic Violation, Traffic    Violation, Tra ffic Violation
    Example dashboard identifiers without spaces
    "Traffic Violation"
    "Traffic    Violation"
    "Tra ffic Violation"