
Business Central is the previous-generation web-based platform for authoring business automation assets such as data objects, rules, processes, cases and planning entities. It includes capabilities for monitoring, administration, and management of business automation assets. With the release of both IBM BAMOE Developer Tools and IBM BAMOE Canvas, most of the asset management capabilities were replaced or a different approach was taken. This section describes the migration of business assets created in Business Central so that developers can maintain them by using BAMOE Developer Tools, BAMOE Canvas or both.


The following tools are required to migrate from Business Central to BAMOE Developer Tools. It is assumed that you have a current version of Business Central running to export certain types of assets to their supported form in BAMOE:

Business Automation assets in Business Central

The following table focuses on business automation assets no longer supported in the new tools but available in Business Central. The table indicates how to manage assets in the absence of Business Central.

Table 1. Business Central asset types
Asset Name Asset Type Description Version 9.1.1 Supported Tools Additional Info.

Business Process

Process (.bpmn)

Modeled as Business Process & Notation (BPMN) diagrams

BAMOE Developer Tools
BAMOE Canvas

Used for straight-through-processing (STP) as well as rule-flow

Decision Model

Decision (.dmn)

Modeled as Decision Modeling & Notation (DMN) diagrams

BAMOE Developer Tools
BAMOE Canvas

Technical Rule

Decision (.drl)

Drools Rule Language, used for technical rules

BAMOE Developer Tools

Decision Table (Spreadsheet)

Decision (.xls)

DRL-based decision table, modeled as an Excel spreadsheet

BAMOE Developer Tools
MS Excel Online

Test Scenario

Decision (.scesim)

Test scenario used for decision unit testing. Currently only DMN testing is available. DRL testing will be available in future.

BAMOE Developer Tools

Data Object

Model (.java)

Java data object used by rules and processes

BAMOE Developer Tools

Define as separate Maven dependency project

Global Variable(s)

Decision (.drl)

Vocabulary definition

BAMOE Developer Tools

Managed directly in .drl files

Domain Specific Language Definition

Decision (.dsl)

Vocabulary definition




Vocabulary definition

BAMOE Developer Tools

Managed directly in .drl files


Forms (.frm)

Human Form


New form builder in future release

Guided Decision Table

Decision (.gdst)

Guided Decision Table


Export from BC to Decision Table Spreadsheet (XLS)

Guided Decision Table Graph

Decision (.gdst-set)

Guided Decision Table Graph


Guided Rule

Decision (.rdrl)

Guided Technical Rule

BAMOE Developer Tools

Copy source from BC to new Technical Rule (.drl) file

Guided Rule Template

Decision (.template)

Template for guided rules

BAMOE Developer Tools

Copy source from BC to new Technical Rule (.drl) file

Test Scenario (Legacy)

Decision (.scenario)

Legacy (guided) test scenario used for rule unit testing


Migration of deprecated assets

Although all the guided editors are deprecated in IBM BAMOE version 9.1.1, it is possible to convert certain guided assets to their non-guided and supported forms. The following table indicates the mapping from guided to non-guided form:

Table 2. Business Central guided asset types

Asset Name & Type


v9 Non-Guided Form

Guided Decision Table (.gdst)

Guided Decision Table

Export from BC to Decision Table Spreadsheet (.xls)

Guided Rule (.rdrl)

Technical Rule (.drl)

Copy source from BC to new Technical Rule (.drl) file

How to Copy the asset source from Business Central

It is important to be aware that all guided assets are Drools Rule Language (.drl) files under the covers. In most situations, a guided asset can be refactored into a non-guided asset by copying the source from the source tab in Business Central into a file with the file extension .drl. With that in mind, here is an example of how to accomplish this, using a Guided Rule as an example:


Example Guided Rule in Business Central
Figure 1. Guided Rule in Business Central

As you can see, this is the default tab (Model) in Business Central’s guided rule editor. If you navigate to the Source tab, you can see that the guided rule is an editor view on top of a standard technical rule written using Drools Rule Language (DLR), as in the following example:

Example Guided Rule in Business Central
Figure 2. Guided Rule in Business Central (Source Tab)

To turn this rule into a non-guided form so that it can be modified by BAMOE Developer Tools, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the contents of the rule in the Source tab.

  2. Create a new text file, using proper naming conventions, and paste the contents from the Source tab into the new file.

  3. Give this file an extension of .drl.

  4. Add this file to the src/main/resources folder of your Maven project.


Some guided rules, when authored with the guided rule editor, create additional rule attributes which may or may not continue to be relevant to your rule execution pattern. Examples of these types of attributes are salience, dialect, no-loop, & lock-on-active. While these attributes play a unique role in guided rules, they may impact the overall behavior of your ruleset.

At this point you are free to modify the new technical rule to your liking, such as updating to use rule units, using OOPATH syntax vs mvel, etc.

How to Export the asset from Business Central

Guided Decision Tables are a wizard-led alternative to uploaded decision table spreadsheets for defining business rules in a tabular format. With guided decision tables, you are led by a UI-based wizard in Business Central that helps you define rule attributes, metadata, conditions, and actions based on specified data objects in your project. After you create the guided decision tables, the rules you defined are compiled into Drools Rule Language (DRL) rules as with all other rule assets.

Since the Guided Decision Table editor in Business Central is deprecated, users will need to export guided decision tables to Excel format. Here is an example of how to do this using a Guided Decision Table as an example:


Example Guided Decision Table in Business Central
Figure 3. Guided Decision Table in Business Central

In order to turn this decision table into a non-guided form so that it can be modified by BAMOE Developer Tools, follow these steps:

  1. Convert to XLS using the Business Central option on the button bar.

  2. Select the newly created .xls file in the Project Explorer.

  3. Select one of the Download options on the button bar.

  4. Add this file to the src/main/resources folder of your Maven project.

As you can see in the diagram, this is the default tab (Model) in Business Central’s guided decision table editor. If you navigate over to the Source tab, you will quickly see that the guided decision table is simply an editor view on top of a standard technical rule written using Drools Rule Language (DLR), as in the following example:

Example Guided Decision Table in Business Central
Figure 4. Guided Decision Table in Business Central (Source Tab)

At this point, you can choose to either take the same approach as with guided rules or to export the table to Excel format simply by clicking a button (Convert to XLS), as in the following example:

Exporting a Guided Decision Table in Business Central
Figure 5. Exporting a Guided Decision Table in Business Central

After the table is converted to XLS format, the new file is added to the Business Central Project Explorer view.

Converting a Guided Decision Table in Business Central
Figure 6. Converted Guided Decision Table in Business Central

Select the converted file and choose one of the Download buttons in Business Central, which downloads the converted spreadsheet file to your local machine. You can add this file to the src/main/resources folder of your Maven project.

Exporting a Guided Decision Table in Business Central
Figure 7. Converted Guided Decision Table in Business Central

Guided decision tables are, under the covers, a collection of technical rules generated using .DRL syntax. The number of rows in a decision table will equal the number of individual technical rules generated, one for each row. Rules make use of salience in order to orchestrate the execution of each row of the decision table. It is possible to replace a decision table directly with technical rules vs. exporting to Excel format, provided you follow the pattern that the rules were generated to.