Use the SYSGEO.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS catalog view to find information about all spatial columns in all tables that contain spatial data in the database.

If a spatial column was registered in association with a spatial reference system, you can also use the view to find out the spatial reference system name and numeric identifier. For additional information about spatial columns, query the SYSCAT.COLUMNS catalog view.

For a description of SYSGEO.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS, see the following table.
Table 1. Columns in the DB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS catalog view
Name Data type Nullable? Content
TABLE_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) No Name of the schema to which the table that contains this spatial column belongs.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(128) No Unqualified name of the table that contains this spatial column.
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR(128) No Name of this spatial column.

The combination of TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, and COLUMN_NAME uniquely identifies the column.

TYPE_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) No Name of the schema to which the declared data type of this spatial column belongs. This name is obtained from the Db2® catalog.
TYPE_NAME VARCHAR(128) No Unqualified name of the declared data type of this spatial column. This name is obtained from the Db2 catalog.
SRS_NAME VARCHAR(128) Yes Name of the spatial reference system that is associated with this spatial column. If no spatial reference system is associated with the column, then SRS_NAME is null.
SRS_ID INTEGER Yes Numeric identifier of the spatial reference system that is associated with this spatial column. If no spatial reference system is associated with the column, then SRS_ID is null.
DEFINER VARCHAR(128) No Creator of the spatial column.