DB2GSE.ST_GEOCODING catalog view

Use query the DB2GSE.ST_GEOCODING and DB2GSE.ST_GEOCODING_PARAMETERS catalog views to obtain information about the particulars settings for geocoding operations. This information is automatically recorded when you set up geocoding operations.

The DB2GSE.ST_GEOCODING catalog view, which is described in Table 1, contains particulars of all settings; for example, the number of records that a geocoder is to process before each commit.

The DB2GSE.ST_GEOCODING_PARAMETERS catalog view contains particulars that are specific to each geocoder. For example, the minimum degree to which addresses given as input and actual addresses must match in order for the geocoder to geocode the input. This minimum requirement, called the minimum match score, is recorded in the DB2GSE.ST_GEOCODING_PARAMETERS catalog view.

Table 1. Columns in the DB2GSE.ST_GEOCODING catalog view
Name Data type Nullable? Content
TABLE_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) No Name of the schema that contains the table that contains the column identified in the COLUMN_NAME column.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(128) No Unqualified name of the table that contains the column identified in the COLUMN_NAME column.
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR(128) No Name of the spatial column to be populated according to the specifications shown in this catalog view.

The combined values in the TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, and COLUMN_NAME columns uniquely identify the spatial column.

GEOCODER_NAME VARCHAR(128) No Name of the geocoder that is to produce data for the spatial column specified in the COLUMN_NAME column. Only one geocoder can be assigned to a spatial column.
MODE VARCHAR(128) No Mode for the geocoding process:
Only batch geocoding is enabled.
Automatic geocoding is set up and activated.
An inconsistency in the spatial catalog tables was detected; the geocoding entry is invalid.
SOURCE_COLUMNS VARCHAR(10000) Yes Names of table columns set up for automatic geocoding. Whenever these columns are updated, a trigger prompts the geocoder to geocode the updated data.
WHERE_CLAUSE VARCHAR(10000) Yes Search condition within a WHERE clause. This condition indicates that when the geocoder runs in batch mode, it is geocode only data within a specified subset of records.
COMMIT_COUNT INTEGER Yes The number of rows that are to be processed during batch geocoding before a commit is issued. If the value in the COMMIT_COUNT column is 0 (zero) or null, then no commits are issued.