Use the DB2GSE.ST_GEOCODER_PARAMETERS catalog view to retrieve information about the parameters of registered geocoders.

For more information about geocoder parameters, query the SYSCAT.ROUTINEPARMS catalog view.

For a description of columns in this view, see the following table.
Name Data type Nullable? Content
GEOCODER_NAME VARCHAR(128) No Name of the geocoder to which this parameter belongs.
ORDINAL SMALLINT No Position of this parameter (that is, the parameter specified in the PARAMETER_NAME column) in the signature of the function that serves as the geocoder specified in the GEOCODER_NAME column.

The combined values in the GEOCODER_NAME and ORDINAL columns uniquely identify this parameter.

A record in the SYSCAT.ROUTINEPARMS catalog view also contains information about this parameter. This record contains a value that appears in the ORDINAL column of SYSCAT.ROUTINEPARMS. This value is the same one that appears in the ORDINAL column of the DB2GSE.ST_GEOCODER_PARAMETERS view.

PARAMETER_NAME VARCHAR(128) Yes Name of this parameter. If a name was not specified when the function to which this parameter belongs was created, the PARAMETER_NAME column is null.

The content of the PARAMETER_NAME column is obtained from the Db2® catalog.

TYPE_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) No Name of the schema to which this parameter belongs. This name is obtained from the Db2 catalog.
TYPE_NAME VARCHAR(128) No Unqualified name of the data type of the values assigned to this parameter. This name is obtained from the Db2 catalog.
PARAMETER_DEFAULT VARCHAR(2048) Yes The default value that is to be assigned to this parameter. Db2 will interpret this value as an SQL expression. If the value is enclosed in quotation marks, it will be passed to the geocoder as a string. Otherwise, the evaluation of the SQL expression will determine what parameter's data type will be when it is passed to the geocoder. If the PARAMETER_DEFAULT column contains a null, then this null value will be passed to the geocoder.

The default value can have a corresponding value in the DB2GSE.ST_GEOCODING_PARAMETERS catalog view. It can also have a corresponding value in the input parameters for the ST_RUN_GEOCODING procedure. If either corresponding value differs from the default value, the corresponding value will override the default value.

DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(256) Yes Description of the parameter indicating its application.