Examples of inserting spatial data with constructor functions
These examples show the code for calling constructor functions to create spatial data and for inserting this spatial data into tables with spatial columns.
Example of inserting spatial data into spatial columns with different geometries
The following example inserts
a row into the SAMPLE_GEOMETRY table with ID 100 and a point value
with an X coordinate of 30, a Y coordinate of 40, and in spatial reference
system 1 using the coordinate representation and well-known text (WKT)
representation. It then inserts another row with ID 200 and a linestring
value with the coordinates indicated.
CREATE TABLE sample_geometry (id INT, geom db2gse.ST_Geometry);
INSERT INTO sample_geometry(id, geom)
VALUES(100,db2gse.ST_Geometry('point(30 40)', 1));
INSERT INTO sample_geometry(id, geom)
VALUES(200,db2gse.ST_Geometry('linestring(50 50, 100 100', 1));
SELECT id, TYPE_NAME(geom) FROM sample_geometry
ID 2
------ --------------------------------
100 "ST_POINT"
Example of inserting spatial data into spatial columns with only one geometry
The following example creates a spatial
column that contain only ST_Point values and then inserts two points.
The first INSERT statement creates a point geometry from the well-known-text
representation (WKT). The second INSERT statement creates a point
geometry from numeric coordinate values. Note that these input values
could also be selected from existing table columns.
CREATE TABLE sample_points (id INT, geom db2gse.ST_Point);
INSERT INTO sample_points(id, geom)
VALUES(100,db2gse.ST_Point('point(30 40)', 1));
INSERT INTO sample_points(id, geom)
VALUES(101,db2gse.ST_Point(50, 50, 1));
SELECT id, TYPE_NAME(geom) FROM sample_geometry
ID 2
------ --------------------------------
100 "ST_POINT"
101 "ST_POINT"
Attempting to insert a linestring or any other type which
is not a point results in an SQL error. Example of inserting spatial data in an embedded SQL application
The following example uses embedded SQL and
assumes that the application fills the data areas with the appropriate
values for any of the supported geometries.
sqlint32 id = 0;
SQL TYPE IS CLOB(10000) wkt_buffer;
SQL TYPE IS CLOB(10000) gml_buffer;
SQL TYPE IS BLOB(10000) wkb_buffer;
SQL TYPE IS BLOB(10000) shape_buffer;
// * Application logic to read into buffers goes here */
EXEC SQL INSERT INTO sample_geometry(id, geom)
VALUES(:id, db2gse.ST_Geometry(:wkt_buffer,1));
EXEC SQL INSERT INTO sample_geometry(id, geom)
VALUES:id, db2gse.ST_Geometry(:wkb_buffer,1));
EXEC SQL INSERT INTO sample_geometry(id, geom)
VALUES(:id, db2gse.ST_Geometry(:gml_buffer,1));
EXEC SQL INSERT INTO sample_geometry(id, geom)
VALUES(:id, db2gse.ST_Geometry(:shape_buffer,1));
Example of inserting spatial data in a Java application
following example shows the code in a Java application that uses JDBC
to insert point geometries using X, Y numeric coordinate values and
uses the WKT representation to specify the geometries.
String ins1 = "INSERT into sample_geometry (id, geom)
VALUES(?, db2gse.ST_PointFromText(CAST( ?
as VARCHAR(128)), 1))";
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(ins1);
pstmt.setInt(1, 100); // id value
pstmt.setString(2, "point(32.4 50.7)"); // wkt value
int rc = pstmt.executeUpdate();
String ins2 = "INSERT into sample_geometry (id, geom)
VALUES(?, db2gse.ST_Point(CAST( ? as double),
CAST(? as double), 1))";
pstmt = con.prepareStatement(ins2);
pstmt.setInt(1, 200); // id value
pstmt.setDouble(2, 40.3); // lat
pstmt.setDouble(3, -72.5); // long
rc = pstmt.executeUpdate();