Defining semantic relationships with references

Using the WITH OPTIONS clause of CREATE TABLE, you can define that a relationship exists between a column in one table and the objects in the same or another table.

About this task

The WITH OPTIONS clause of CREATE TABLE defines the column properties for a column in a typed table. These definable table properties include the relationship between a column in one table and the objects in the same (or another) table. In the following example, the department for each employee is actually a reference to an object in the BusinessUnit table. To define the destination objects of a given reference column, use the SCOPE keyword on the WITH OPTIONS clause.
Figure 1. Dept attribute refers to a BusinessUnit object
Dept attribute refers to a BusinessUnit object.

Self-Referencing Relationships

You can define scoped references to objects in the same typed table as well. The statements in the following example create one typed table for parts and one typed table for suppliers. To show the reference type definitions, the sample also includes the statements used to create the types:
   CREATE TYPE Company_t AS
      (name VARCHAR(30),
      location VARCHAR(30))

      (Descript VARCHAR(20),
      Supplied_by REF(Company_t),
      Used_in REF(part_t))

   CREATE TABLE Suppliers OF Company_t
      (REF IS suppno USER GENERATED)

   CREATE TABLE Parts OF Part_t
      Supplied_by WITH OPTIONS SCOPE Suppliers,
      Used_in WITH OPTIONS SCOPE Parts)
Figure 2. Example of a self-referencing scope
Example of a self-referencing scope.
You can use scoped references to write queries that, without scoped references, would have to be written as outer joins or correlated subqueries. For example, the two following queries retrieve the supplier of the part in which the part '1234' is being used:
  SELECT Used_in->Supplied_by->Name
    FROM Parts 
    WHERE Partno = Part_t('1234')
Without a scoped reference the query looks like this:
    FROM (Parts AS P RIGHT OUTER JOIN Parts C ON P.Used_in = C.Partno)
      RIGHT OUTER JOIN Suppliers S ON C.Supplied_by = S.Suppno
    WHERE P.Partno = Part_t('1234')