Drop a threshold that you no longer require using the DDL
Before you begin
drop a threshold, you require WLMADM or DBADM authority.See Workload management DDL statements for more information about prerequisites.
you want to drop a threshold in a work action set, use the ALTER WORK
ACTION SET statement. You can also drop a threshold by dropping the
entire WORK ACTION SET with the DROP statement.
To drop a threshold:
- Do one of the following steps:
- If the threshold is a queuing threshold, use the ALTER THRESHOLD
statement to disable it.
- If you disabled a queuing threshold by using an ALTER THRESHOLD
statement, issue a COMMIT statement to commit the change.
- Use the DROP THRESHOLD statement to drop the threshold.
- Commit your changes.
When you commit your
changes the threshold is removed from the SYSCAT.THRESHOLDS view.