Altering a threshold
Alter thresholds using the ALTER THRESHOLD statement. You might alter a threshold to modify the limit imposed on a specific resource.
Before you begin
To alter a threshold, you require SQLADM, WLMADM, or DBADM authority. To specify any clause other than a COLLECT clause, the authorization ID must include WLMADM or DBADM authority.
See Workload management DDL statements for more information about prerequisites.
To alter a threshold for a work action set, use the ALTER WORK ACTION SET statement with the ADD WORK ACTION keywords. For more information, see ALTER WORK ACTION SET statement.
You cannot alter the threshold type with the ALTER THRESHOLD statement. For example: You cannot change a TOTAL MEMBERCONNECTIONS threshold into a TOTALSCMEMBERCONNECTIONS threshold, for example. If you require a different threshold type, drop the existing thresholds and then create a new threshold.
To alter a threshold: