Determining minimum and maximum coordinates and measures

Determine minimum and maximum coordinates and measures if you specify extent transformations when you create a spatial reference system.

About this task

After you determine the extent values, if any of the coordinates are decimal values, you need to calculate scale factors. Otherwise, submit the db2se create_srs command or call the DB2SE.ST_CREATE_SRS procedure.


To determine the minimum and maximum coordinates and measures of the locations that you want to represent:

  1. Determine the minimum and maximum X coordinates.
    To find the minimum X coordinate, identify the X coordinate in your domain that is furthest west. (If the location lies to the west of the point of origin, this coordinate will be a negative value.) To find the maximum X coordinate, identify the X coordinate in your domain that is furthest east. For example, if you are representing oil wells, and each one is defined by a pair of X and Y coordinates, the X coordinate that indicates the location of the oil well that is furthest west is the minimum X coordinate, and the X coordinate that indicates the location of the oil well that is furthest east is the maximum X coordinate.
    Tip: For multifeature types, such as multipolygons, ensure that you pick the furthest point on the furthest polygon in the direction that you are calculating. For example, if you are trying to identify the minimum X coordinate, identify the westernmost X coordinate of the polygon that is furthest west in the multipolygon.
  2. Determine the minimum and maximum Y coordinates.
    To find the minimum Y coordinate, identify the Y coordinate in your domain that is furthest south. (If the location lies to the south of the point of origin, this coordinate will be a negative value.) To determine the maximum Y coordinate, find the Y coordinate in your domain that is furthest north.
  3. Determine the minimum and maximum Z coordinates.
    The minimum Z coordinate is the greatest of the depth coordinates and the maximum Z coordinate is the greatest of the height coordinates.
  4. Determine the minimum and maximum measures.
    If you are going to include measures in your spatial data, determine which measure has the highest numeric value and which has the lowest.