storage_setup command

You use the storage_setup script to add or remove external storage in IAS.

Note: This functionality is not available on customer-supplied rack M4002-001 model. For more information on this model, see Integrated Analytics System M4002-001 model overview.

Command syntax

storage_setup [-h] [-e {san, nfs}] [-d {san,nfs}] [--show] [--reset_permissions] [--import_san] [--export_san] [--multi_domain_aware]

Command parameters

-e|--enable {san,nfs}
Enables external storage. Use san for SAN storage, or nfs for NFS (NAS) servers.
-d|--disable {san,nfs}
Disables external storage. Use san for SAN storage, or nfs for NFS (NAS) servers.
Shows currently added storage.
Edits the permissions.
You use these two parameters to move SAN storage from one system to another:
  1. Run storage_setup --export_san on system A.
  2. Move the SAN and the configuration file to system B.
  3. Run storage_setup --import_san on system B.
Adds additional storage to a SAN filesystem.
Adds and expands a fibre layout to SAN across all nodes. By default, the ports are connected to two nodes only.
Renames GPFS cluster to a unique value for use in TSM LAN-free. Also used to export the SAN to multi-domains.

When a new SAN is added with storage_setup -e, there’s no need to use the --multi-domain_aware flag, as this functionality will be configured automatically in the process.

If in a multi-HA domain you previously added a SAN without the --multi_domain_aware flag, you must rerun the tool with that flag.

If in a single-HA domain you expand your system to multi-HA domains, you also need to rerun the tool with the --multi_domain_aware flag.