Preparing and executing a single SQL statement in Python
Before you begin
Obtain a connection resource by calling one of the connection functions in the ibm_db API. For more information, see Connecting to an IBM database server in Python.
- connection
- A valid database connection resource that is returned from the ibm_db.connect or ibm_db.pconnect function.
- statement
- A string that contains the SQL statement. This string can include an XQuery expression that is called by the XMLQUERY function.
- options
- Optional: A dictionary that specifies the type of cursor to return for result sets. You can use this parameter to request a scrollable cursor for database servers that support this type of cursor. By default, a forward-only cursor is returned.
If the function call fails (returns False), you can use the ibm_db.stmt_error or ibm_db.stmt_errormsg function to retrieve diagnostic information about the error.
If the function call succeeds, you can use the ibm_db.num_rows function to return the number of rows that the SQL statement returned or affected. If the SQL statement returns a result set, you can begin fetching the rows.
For more information about the ibm_db API, see
Example 1: Execute a single SQL statement
import ibm_db
conn = ibm_db.connect("database","username","password")
stmt = ibm_db.exec_immediate(conn, "UPDATE employee SET bonus = '1000' WHERE job = 'MANAGER'")
print "Number of affected rows: ", ibm_db.num_rows(stmt)
Example 2: Execute an XQuery expression
import ibm_db
conn = ibm_db.connect("database","username","password")
if conn:
sql = "SELECT XMLSERIALIZE(XMLQUERY('for $i in $t/address where $i/city = \"Olathe\" return <zip>{$i/zip/text()}</zip>' passing c.xmlcol as \"t\") AS CLOB(32k)) FROM xml_test c WHERE id = 1"
stmt = ibm_db.exec_immediate(conn, sql)
result = ibm_db.fetch_both(stmt)
while( result ):
print "Result from XMLSerialize and XMLQuery:", result[0]
result = ibm_db.fetch_both(stmt)
What to do next
If the SQL statement returns one or more result sets, you can begin fetching rows from the statement resource.