ST_NumGeometries function
The ST_NumGeometries function takes a geometry collection as an input parameter and returns the number of geometries in the collection.
If the specified geometry collection is null or is empty, then null is returned.
- collection
- A value of type ST_GeomCollection or one of its subtypes that represents the geometry collection for which the number of geometries is returned.
Return Type
Two geometry collections are stored
in the SAMPLE_GEOMCOLL table. One is a multipolygon, and the other
is a multipoint. The ST_NumGeometries function determines how many
individual geometries are within each geometry collection.
CREATE TABLE sample_geomcoll (id INTEGER, geometry ST_GeomCollection)
INSERT INTO sample_geomcoll
ST_MultiPolygon ('multipolygon (( (3 3, 4 6, 5 3, 3 3),
(8 24, 9 25, 1 28, 8 24),
(13 33, 7 36, 1 40, 10 43, 13 33) ))', 1) )
INSERT INTO sample_geomcoll
VALUES (2, ST_MultiPoint ('multipoint (1 2, 4 3, 5 6, 7 6, 8 8)', 1) )
SELECT id, ST_NumGeometries (geometry) NUM_GEOMS_IN_COLL
FROM sample_geomcoll
----------- -----------------
1 3
2 5