ST_DWithin function
The ST_DWithin function determines if two geometries are within a specified distance.
- geometry1
A value of type ST_Geometry that represents the geometry that is to be compared with geometry2.
- geometry2
A value of type ST_Geometry that represents the geometry that is to be compared with geometry1.
- distance
A value of type DOUBLE that indicates the distance within which the two geometries must be.
- unit
VARCHAR(128) value that identifies the unit in which the result is measured. The supported units of measure are listed in the SYSGEO.ST_UNITS_OF_MEASURE catalog view.
If the unit parameter is omitted, the following rules are used to determine the unit of measure used for the result:- If geometry1 is in a projected or geocentric coordinate system, the linear unit associated with this coordinate system is the default.
- If geometry1 is in a geographic coordinate system, the angular unit associated with this coordinate system is the default.
Restrictions on unit conversions: An error (SQLSTATE 38SU4) is returned if any of the following conditions occur:- The geometry is in an unspecified coordinate system and the unit parameter is specified.
- The geometry is in a projected coordinate system and an angular unit is specified.
Return type
Returns 1
(true) if the geometries are within the specified distance of one
another, and 0
(false) if they are not.
If the geometries are not in a compatible spatial reference system, an error is returned.
create table points (pk integer not null primary key, geo ST_Point)
insert into points values(1, st_point(10, 10.1, 4326))
insert into points values(2, st_point(10, 19.9999, 4326))
insert into points values(3, st_point(12, 20.53, 4326))
create table polys (pk integer not null primary key, geo st_polygon )
insert into polys values (1, ST_Polygon ('polygon (10 20, 10 40, 20 30, 10 20)', 4326))
insert into polys values (2, ST_Polygon ('polygon ((110 120, 110 140, 120 130, 110 120))', 4326))
select as ptsid, as plyid, st_dwithin(t1.geo, t2.geo, 100.0) as dw from points t1, polys t2 order by dw desc;
----------- ----------- -----------
2 1 1
1 1 0
1 2 0
2 2 0
3 1 0
3 2 0