Disabling a work action

You can disable a work action that you do not want applied to a work class. At runtime, the disabled work action is treated as if it does not exist.

Before you begin

To disable a work action, you require WLMADM or DBADM authority.


To disable a work action:

  1. Use one of the following statements, depending on whether you are creating or altering a work action set:
    • Use the DISABLE keyword and the ADD keyword of the CREATE WORK ACTION SET statement. For example:
      ADD WORK ACTION work-action-name ON WORK CLASS work-class-name ... DISABLE
    • Use the DISABLE keyword and the ALTER keyword of the ALTER WORK ACTION SET statement. For example:
       ALTER WORK ACTION work-action-name ... DISABLE
  2. Commit your changes.
    When you commit your changes, the work action is updated in the SYSCAT.WORKACTIONS view.