Creating a work action set

To create a work action and a work action set, use the CREATE WORK ACTION SET statement.

Before you begin

To create a work action set, you require WLMADM or DBADM authority.
For additional prerequisites, see the following topics:
When you create a work action set:
  • You associate it with a work class set. The work class set must already exist.
  • You also associate it with a database, a workload, or a service superclass. If you are associating the work action set with a service superclass, the service class must already exist. You cannot define the work action set for the default system service class (SYSDEFAULTSYSTEMCLASS), the default user class (SYSDEFAULTUSERCLASS) or the default maintenance service class (SYSDEFAULTMAINTENANCECLASS). If you are associating the work action set with a workload, the workload must exist in the current server. You cannot associate the work action set with the default administration workload (SYSDEFAULTADMWORKLOAD).


To create a work action set:

  1. Use the CREATE WORK ACTION SET statement with the following options:
    • Specify a name for the work action set. The name of the work action set must be unique in the database.
    • Specify the object with which the work action set is associated. You can specify a database, a workload, or a service superclass. If you specify that the work action set is associated with a database, none of the work actions in the work action set can be mapping work actions or collect aggregate actions. If you specify that the work action set is associated with a service superclass, none of the work actions in the work action set can be thresholds. If you specify that the work action set is associated with a workload, then none of the work actions in the work action set can be mapping work actions. For example, to apply the work action set to the REPORTS service superclass, you would specify:
      To apply the work action set to the database, you would specify:
      To apply the work action set to a workload named WL1, you would specify:
    • Specify the work class set with which the work action set is associated. The work classes in the work class set classify the database activities that the work actions in the work action set will apply to. For example, to associate the work action set with the LARGEREADS work class set, you would specify:
    • Optional: Create one or more work actions for the work action set. For instructions, see Creating a work action.
    • Optional: Specify whether the work action set is enabled or disabled. By default, the work action set is enabled. If the work action set is disabled, the data server does not consider this work action set (or any work actions in it) when activities are run.
  2. Commit your changes.
    When you commit your changes the work action set is added to the SYSCAT.WORKACTIONSETS view.

    A new work action set only takes effect in the database after it is committed, and does not affect any database activities currently running.