Creating a work action
Use the CREATE WORK ACTION SET statement or the ALTER WORK ACTION SET statement to create a work action.
Before you begin
For additional prerequisites, see the following
When you create a work action:
- You associate a work action with a work class. The work class must already exist in the work class set that the work action set is applied to.
- If the work action is a threshold, the work action set must be defined for a workload or for the database. For the list of supported thresholds for work actions, see Thresholds that can be used in work actions.
- If you are creating a mapping work action, the work action set must be defined for a service superclass. The service subclass being mapped to must already exist in the service superclass this work action set is being defined for. In addition, you cannot specify the default service subclass.
- More than one work action can be applied to a single work class, but they must be different work action types. For example, you can apply a mapping work action and a collect work action to the same work class. You can, however, only apply one work action of the same type to the same work class. For example, you cannot apply more than one mapping work action to the same work class. The one exception to this is if the work action represents a threshold. You can apply more than one threshold work action to a single work class but each threshold must be of a different type.
- If you are creating a collect aggregate activity data work action, the work action set must be defined for a service superclass or a workload.
To create a work action: