Altering a work class

If you need to alter a work class, use the ALTER WORK CLASS SET statement.

Before you begin

To alter a work class, you require WLMADM or DBADM authority.

See Workload management DDL statements for additional prerequisites.


To alter a work class:

  1. Use the ALTER keyword of the ALTER WORK CLASS SET statement to change one or more of the following properties.
    See Creating a work class for an explanation of the supported values for these properties.
    • The FOR keyword. For example, you can change the value specified for the FOR keyword from CARDINALITY to TIMERONCOST.
    • The FROM from-value TO to-value argument. For example, you can change the argument from FROM 50 TO 100 to FROM 500 TO 1500.
    • The ROUTINES IN SCHEMA or the ROUTINES IN ALL keywords, for CALL activities. For example, if the work class currently does not specify a schema, you can add one. You can also specify the keyword ALL, so that the work class applies to all CALL statements, regardless of the schema of the routine. ALL is the default.
    • The DATA TAG LIST CONTAINS keyword. For example, you can change the value specified for this keyword from ANY to 8.
    • The POSITION keyword, followed by the keywords LAST, BEFORE, AFTER, or AT. If you specify POSITION BEFORE or POSITION AFTER, you must also specify the work class that you want to use to position your altered work class. If you specify POSITION AT, you must include the position number. For example, you can move a work class from the last position to any position by using the AT keyword, or from any position to the last position by using the LAST keyword.
  2. Commit your changes.
    When you commit your changes, the work class is updated in the SYSCAT.WORKCLASSES view.