Getting container images

You can get Integrated Analytics System container images from the IBM® Cloud Container Registry.


  • These containers are intended for scanning purposes only;
  • Release delivery is done on Fix Central;
  • Only main GA released containers are put in this Registry;
  • No patches or special builds are put in this Registry area;
  • Releases will stay in the registry for up to 12 months.


  1. Ensure that you meet all of the platform prerequisites. See IBM Db2 Warehouse prerequisites.
  2. Obtain an IBM Cloud™ ID if you don't already have one.
  3. Create an API key:
    1. Log in to IBM Cloud.
    2. Select Manage > Access (IAM) from the toolbar.
    3. Select API keys from side menu, click Create an IBM Cloud API key.
    4. Enter a Name and a Description. Click Create.
    5. You can now copy the API key or select to download the key and save it for later use.

Procedure to pull container images

By pulling a container image, you are agreeing to the licensing terms and conditions that are described in the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA).

To access the image in the IBM Cloud Container Registry, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Docker by using your API key:
    echo <apikey> | docker login -u iamapikey --password-stdin
    where <apikey> is the API key that you created as a prerequisite.
  2. Pull container images:
    docker pull<IIAS release version>
    docker pull<IIAS release version>
    docker pull<IIAS release version>
    docker pull<IIAS release version>
    docker pull
    docker pull
    docker pull
    docker pull