Setting up replication for continuous availability
You can use the replication console to configure primary and standby database sites so that if the primary site must be shut down (or has an unplanned outage), applications can be re-routed to the standby site until the primary is restored.
Before you begin
Before you configure replication, create two unique replication user IDs on the primary site and standby site by using the web console as an administrator. Each ID represents one direction of replication in the two-way configuration that is needed for a failover setup:
- repluser1: Create this ID on the primary server and use it to enable the source database at the primary server, and the target database at the standby server that will receive replicated transactions from the primary server.
- repluser2: Create this ID on the standby server and use it to enable the source database at the standby server, and the target database at the primary server that will receive replicated transactions from the standby server.
The ID that you use when enabling the target is inserted into a metadata table at the source called IBMQREP_IGNTRAN. All changes that are made by this user ID are then ignored by the replication capture process to avoid "circular" replication where the same changes are continually replicated back and forth to the two sites.
These user IDs should be reserved exclusively for replication. The replication user IDs should not be used to manually perform any database operations, including inserting replication signals.
About this task
The steps in this topic describe a planned failover and failback scenario. For additional considerations for unplanned or disaster scenarios, see below.
What to do next
In the event of an unplanned failure at the primary site, the last consistency point for the Replication Set from the primary site to the standby site will be older than the time that applications last updated the primary site, because replication has not caught up with these new updates.
When you switch application to the standby site, the last consistency point for the Replication Set will be newer than or equal to the time that the applications last updated the primary site.
After the failover, new data starts flowing from the new primary site (former standby site) to the new standby site (former primary site).
Replication in the reverse direction, from the new standby site to the new primary site, will catch up with the changes that were made on the original primary site before the failover. Some conflicts are possible if the same rows were updated during this catchup time period. Row conflicts are logged in the IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table in the target database, and you can use an SQL SELECT statement to view this table: