CURRENT PACKAGE PATH special register
The CURRENT PACKAGE PATH special register specifies a VARCHAR(4096) value that identifies the path to be used when resolving references to packages that are needed when executing SQL statements.
The value can be an empty or a blank string, or a list of one or more schema names that are delimited with double quotation marks and separated by commas. Any double quotation marks appearing as part of the string will need to be represented as two double quotation marks, as is common practice with delimited identifiers. The delimiters and commas contribute to the length of the special register.
This special register applies to both static and dynamic statements.
The initial value of CURRENT PACKAGE PATH in a user-defined function, method, or procedure is inherited from the invoking application. In other contexts, the initial value of CURRENT PACKAGE PATH is an empty string. The value is a list of schemas only if the application process has explicitly specified a list of schemas by means of the SET CURRENT PACKAGE PATH statement.
- An application will be using multiple SQLJ packages (in schemas
SQLJ1 and SQLJ2) and a JDBC package (in schema DB2JAVA). Set the CURRENT
PACKAGE PATH special register to check SQLJ1, SQLJ2, and DB2JAVA,
in that order.
- Set the host variable HVPKLIST to the value currently stored in
the CURRENT PACKAGE PATH special register.