
The script sets or displays the degree of parallelism for the file transfer method of replication. Run this script in the Docker container bash shell.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram -uuser_name-lreplication_set_name-uuser_name-creplication_set_name-ddegree-h


-u user_name
Specifies the user name for running the script. The user must have dsadm authority for the source database.
-l replication_set_name
Displays the current degree of parallelism that is being used.
-c replication_set_name
Specifies to set a new degree of parallelism.
-d degree
Specifies the degree of parallelism. Enter an integer between 1 and 4. The default is 4. A value of 1 means no parallelism is used.
Provides help with the command.

Example 1: Setting parallel degree

To set a parallel degree of 2 for the replication set SET2:

/opt/ibm/bludr/scripts/bin/ -u bluadmin -c SET2 -d 2

Example 2: Displaying parallel degree

To display the current parallel degree for the replication set SET2:

/opt/ibm/bludr/scripts/bin/ -u bluadmin -l SET2