Use this stored procedure to re-populate a geohash-filter table with geohash-cover values.
The user ID under which this stored procedure is invoked must have the necessary privileges to execute the routine and to successfully execute the SELECT statement from which the data is to be exported.
The stored procedure, which runs as a process that is owned by the Db2® instance owner, must have the necessary privileges on the server machine to create or write to the shape files.
Parameter descriptions
- schema_name
- The name of the schema to which the input table belongs. If a null value is specified, the schema specified in the CURRENT SCHEMA special register is used. This name is case sensitive. The data type for this value is VARCHAR(128) or, if enclosed in double quotation marks, VARCHAR(130).
- table_name
- The name of the input table. This name is case sensitive. The data type for this value is
VARCHAR(128) or, if enclosed in double quotation marks, VARCHAR(130).
This table must have a primary or unique key (ERROR CODE GOES HERE).
- spatial_column
- The name of the spatial column in the input table that contains the geometries that are to be
used to calculate the geohash values for the geohash-filter table. This name is case sensitive. The
data type for this value is VARCHAR(128) or, if enclosed in double quotation marks,
The specified geometries must use SRS 4326 (GSE3001N).
- filter_table_schema_name
- The name of the schema to which the generated geohash-filter table is to belong. If a null value is specified, the schema specified in the CURRENT SCHEMA special register is used. This name is case sensitive. The data type for this value is VARCHAR(128) or, if enclosed in double quotation marks, VARCHAR(130)..
- filter_table_name
- The name of the geohash-filter table to be generated. This name is case sensitive. The data type for this value is VARCHAR(128) or, if enclosed in double quotation marks, VARCHAR(130).
- cover_level
- The cover level to be used to compute the geohash values of geometries to populate the
If the type of the input spatial column is ST_POINT, the specified cover level is ignored and all levels are populated. Otherwise, the cover level must be specified (SQL0171N).