dsmtop command for Db2 Warehouse

You can use the dsmtop command to monitor Db2® Warehouse. The command displays key performance indicators.

The dsmtop command is included in the IBM Data Server Client, which is included in the Db2 Warehouse client container. You must issue the dsmtop command from inside the client container, from the cli prompt, which you obtain by issuing the following command:
docker exec -it client cli


You must be able to connect to the Db2 Warehouse database.

Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram dsmtop -rportnumber -d  BLUDB -uuserid-ppassword -j 4 -Icollection_interval-irefresh_interval-koffon-Ldiagnostic_logfile-v-sschema_name1,schema_name2,...-h

Command parameters

-n hostname
Specifies the host name for the BLUDB database.
-r portnumber
Specifies the port number for connecting to the BLUDB database.
Specifies the BLUDB database.
-u userid
Specifies the user ID for connecting to the BLUDB database.
-p password
Specifies the password for the user ID for connecting to the BLUDB database.
-j 4
Specifies the JDBC connection type. The only valid value is 4.
-I collection_interval
Specifies the collection interval, in seconds. This value controls how often the dsmtop command runs monitoring queries against the BLUDB database to establish fresh baselines for delta values. A longer collection interval reduces monitoring overhead. The default value is 60 seconds.
-i refresh_interval
Specifies how often to refresh the screen, in seconds. This can be a floating-point number. If you specify a refresh interval that is too short for the views to be displayed, the value is increased. The default value is 5 seconds.
-k off|on
Specifies whether to show counters (actual values) instead of delta values. The default value is off (show delta values, not counters).
-L diagnostic_logfile
Specifies a file where the dsmtop command records diagnostic information. There is no default value.
Displays version information.
Specifies schema or multiple schemas for which the results are displayed.
Displays help for the command.


dsmtop -n -d BLUDB -u bluadmin -p passw0rd -j 4


The output includes the following views:
  • An overview that provides basic information about the current level of activity. The overview includes information about the number of connections, the memory consumption, the I/O efficiency, and the number of locks held.
  • Throughput views. These views include details about time spent waiting or processing, the amount of work taking place in each workload or service class, and the workload that each connection is mapped to.
  • Top Consumers views. These views include details about the units of work and activities that are consuming the most resources.
  • IO views. These views include detailed I/O information for table spaces and buffer pool hit ratios.
  • Locking views. These views provide details about locking problems.