Version release notes (February 2019)

IAS Version includes a number of enhancements and fixes.

What's new

You can now add custom Db2 configuration settings (db/dbm/registry) and preserve them between upgrades. When you upgrade to, there are three empty files in the /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/local/custom_settings/db2_config/ directory:
  • db.cfg
  • dbm.cfg
  • db2set.text

You can provide your custom values in these files. For more information, see Preserving custom Db2 configuration settings between upgrades

Platform Manager
  • You can now restart monitored applications, including Db2 Warehouse, using command line:
    [root@node0101 ~]# ap apps restart dashDB
    DashDB will be restarted. Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/N]: y
    Restart request sent successfully
  • The alerts which aggregate issues from subcomponents will now include a list of aggregated subcomponents in a detailed view, in General Information section. Run ap issues <issue_no> to view this information:
    [root@node0101 resmgr]# ap issues 1988
    General Information
            ID                       : 1988
            Date                     : 2018-12-20 12:14:01.283694
            Close Date               : None
            Target                   : hw://hadomain1.fsn1
            Target Type              : fsn
            Severity                 : WARNING
            Title                    : Unhealthy component detected
            Stateful                 : 1
            Referenced Alert ID      : None
            Subcomponent 1           : hw://hadomain1.fsn1.interface_card1
            Subcomponent 2           : hw://hadomain1.fsn1.interface_card2
            Subcomponent 3           : hw://hadomain1.fsn1.interface_card3
            Subcomponent 4           : hw://hadomain1.fsn1.interface_card4
            Group                    : HW
            Type                     : HW_NEEDS_ATTENTION
            Reason Code              : 201
Updated the storage setup -e nfs interactive script for adding NFS storage, so that you can now specify your custom mount point. For more information, see Adding and removing SAN storage.
Backup, restore, disaster recovery
  • IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) client is updated to version 8.1.6 and the storage agent to Make sure you update the IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) server to 8.1.6 to be compatible for LAN-Free backups and restores.
  • Added a pre-check for db_backup, to make sure that there is enough space in the path specified before running a schema backup.
  • db_backup now supports taking a backup when a node is disabled, but only after all the MLNs are redistributed to other nodes.
  • bluadmin user and db2iadm1 user group have access to the schema backup directories and files. The permissions are updated to 775.
  • From IAS, schema-level backup and restore supports Unicode characters. You can now backup and restore schemas with Unicode data.
Node OS
Node failover is now faster and it takes less than five minutes.


IBM® Integrated Analytics System Version includes the following components:

You can use IAS with DSX Local Version 1.2. DSX is not pre-installed and IBM Support must be involved in the installation process. For more details, see What's new

When you migrate from other databases, you can now use IBM Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.22 - see Release Notes® for details.

Resolved issues

  • Fixed the issue with storage setup -e san not working on multi-domain systems.
  • db_backup and db_restore now support multiple paths that are comma-separated.
  • db_restore now supports schema or table restores with identity columns.
  • db_backup now supports taking a schema backup even when the spatial column is empty with no data in a table.
  • db_backup and db_restore are updated to backup and restore foreign key constraints as part of schema backups and schema restores. For table restores, foreign key constraints are disabled and need to be enabled manually.
  • The list of Red Hat CVEs patched in release:

    CVE-2018-15908 CVE-2018-15909 CVE-2018-16511 CVE-2018-16539 CVE-2018-16863 CVE-2018-15911 CVE-2018-16541 CVE-2018-16802 CVE-2018-17183 CVE-2018-17961 CVE-2018-18073 CVE-2018-18284 CVE-2018-19134 CVE-2018-19409 CVE-2018-15908 CVE-2018-15909 CVE-2018-16511 CVE-2018-16539 CVE-2018-16863 CVE-2018-15911 CVE-2018-16541 CVE-2018-16802 CVE-2018-17183 CVE-2018-17961 CVE-2018-18073 CVE-2018-18284 CVE-2018-19134 CVE-2018-19409 CVE-2018-14633 CVE-2018-14646 CVE-2018-14633 CVE-2018-14646 CVE-2018-14633 CVE-2018-14646 CVE-2018-14633 CVE-2018-14646 CVE-2018-14633 CVE-2018-14646 CVE-2018-14633 CVE-2018-14646 CVE-2018-14633 CVE-2018-14646 CVE-2018-14633 CVE-2018-14646 CVE-2018-14633 CVE-2018-14646

Known issues

  • There is a known issue when running apupgrade command with --force-restart option. Do not use this option as the upgrade process might fail.
  • When running apupgrade to start the upgrade on the appliance, Platform Manager might time out resulting in node0101 (or current head node) rebooting, or, in some cases, powering itself off.

    Workaround: Restart the database with apstop -p --service and apstart -p before upgrading to avoid this condition.