Version release notes (August 2018)

A significant defect fix for the fbond:Fl interface and an updated Db2 version are provided in IAS Version

What's new

Db2 container is updated to the latest version. For more information on the fixes, see

Defect fix

In Integrated Analytics System Versions and, the MTU of the fbond:Fl interface is incorrectly specified. When the master node is established or moved, this defect might be noticed. The impact of this defect is that GPFS head nodes have a severely restricted packet flow, and frequently fall out of the cluster. The issue can impact all nodes in a GPFS cluster. IAS Version fixes this issue.

However, if you are unable or unwilling to upgrade to at least, the following workaround might be applied:

Important: You need root access to perform these steps. Contact IBM Support.
  1. Determine the number of HA Domains. This number is H in the following steps.
  2. Determine the number of nodes in a Domain. This number is X in the following steps.

    If the number of HA Domains H is more than 1, then X is 7. If the number of HA Domains H is 1, then X is 3 or 5.

  3. Substituting H and X, run the following command from a node:
    for N in {01..H}{01..X}; do ssh node${N} sed -i -e '/MTU/s/1500/9000/'
              /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-fbond:Fl; done
  4. Run ap state -d.
  5. If the platform status is not stopped, determine the master node by running ap node -d.
  6. If the platform status is not stopped, run apstop -p.
  7. Using the same H and X values as in the previous steps, run the following command from any node:
    for N in {01..H}{01..X}; do ssh node$N \(\(ip link show dev fbond \| grep -q 1500\) \&\&
              echo "$(hostnamectl --static) has bad MTU"\) \|\| echo ${N}; done
    The command lists nodes that have incorrect MTUs.
  8. On all the nodes listed with incorrect MTUs, run ifdown fbond; ifup fbond.
  9. If you have an external interface such as fbond.4084, run ifdown fbond.4084; ifup fbond.4084.
  10. Run ifup fbond:Fl only on the master node.
  11. If you have an external interface such as fbond.4084:0:Fl, run ifup fbond.4080:0:Fl.
  12. To start the platform again, run apstart.