Managing EMC NetWorker client with appkg_install command

The appkg_install command provides the option to install and configure the EMC NetWorker client, display EMC NetWorker services status, start and stop the services and check the NetWorker client version. The command is available starting with IAS Version

  • The appkg_install command is a feature introduced in IAS Version, and it immediately replaces the use of the emc_client command.
  • If you already have EMC NetWorker installed and you are upgrading to IAS version, contact IBM support to restore EMC NetWorker configuration.
  • The IAS appliance on which the EMC NetWorker Client is being installed must be able to reach the EMC NetWorker Server, otherwise the installation will fail. All nodes must be able to reach the EMC NetWorker Server, for example: ping <emcservername/ip>.

EMC NetWorker subcommands

appkg_install emcinstaller --chart <chart_path> --path <install_source_dir>
Installs the EMC NetWorker client.
Requires the following parameters:
--chart <chart_path>
Path to the helm chart (.yaml file) defining installation options. For more information about helm chart, see Example helm chart.
Do not use /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/scratch/emc/<chart_name.yaml> as the location path for the helm chart. If you plan to use /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/scratch/, create a directory different from emc.
--path <install_source_dir>
Directory path to the software packages to install.
Do not use /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/scratch/em/c as the installation directory path.
appkg_install emcnetworker --start|--stop|--status|--version
Manages the EMC NetWorker client process.
Requires one of the following parameters:
Starts the NetWorker.
Stops the NetWorker
Displays the NetWorker status.
Views currently installed version of EMC NetWorker client and NMDA.
appkg_install emcsettings --restore|--backup
Backs up or restores the EMC NetWorker installation.
Requires one of the following parameters:
Restores the last backed up EMC NetWorker dependencies and settings. Contact IBM support for this operation.
Performs a backup of all the existing EMC NetWorker dependencies and settings.

Before you begin

  1. Download the EMC NetWorker client and NMDA tar.gz files. You can purchase them from Dell website page.
  2. Use the template helm chart provided in /opt/ibm/appliance/appkg_install/helm/template/emc_networker.yaml and fill in the details as in the following example.

Example helm chart

The helm chart required for the installation process is provided as a template and can be found in /opt/ibm/appliance/appkg_install/helm/template. Some of the parameters are already filled out in a template, some of them depend on your installation environment. Following is the example of a complete and ready-to-use helm chart for EMC NetWorker:
apiVersion: v1
vendor: EMC
product: EMC NetWorker Client
version: 1.0.11
description: installation information for the EMC NetWorker client
# customer filled in parameters
  nsr_data_volume_pool: Default
  nsr_log_volume_pool: Default
  client_libraries_file: nw9212_linux_ppc64le.tar.gz
  nmda_libraries_file: nmda921_linux_ppc64le.tar.gz

In this example, the following parameters were already provided in the template:

The helm chart version.
Provider of the product.
The product to be installed.
IAS version.
The software version to be installed. It must be above a defined minimum supported version, which for the EMC NetWorker is

The following parameters must be completed by the user. You can request the server fully qualified domain name, Data Volume Pool and Log Volume Pool from the EMC NetWorker Server administrator.

A fully qualified EMC NetWorker server domain name.
The name of the main Data Volume Pool that is configured on the EMC NetWorker server.
The Log Volume Pool configured on the EMC NetWorker server.
The name of the EMC NetWorker client tar.gz file with EMC client RPMs.
The name of the NMDA tar.gz file with NMDA RPMs.

Installing and configuring EMC NetWorker

To install the EMC NetWorker client, run:
appkg_install emcinstaller --chart /apuser/install/emc_networker.yaml --path /apuser/install
Example output:
appkg_install emcinstall --chart /apuser/install/emc_networker.yaml --path /apuser/install

Checking if nodes are externalized
Getting IP address and hostname of the EMC NetWorker server
Extracting Bundle: /apuser/install/nw9212_linux_ppc64le.tar.gz
Extracting Bundle: /apuser/install/nmda921_linux_ppc64le.tar.gz
Adding server details to /etc/hosts
Stopping magneto service
Creating /root/emcinstall/DashdbDockerfile.ppc64le
Renaming dashDB containers to dashdb-dead
Building new dashDB image on all nodes
Deploying new dashDB image to all nodes
Starting dashDB deployment
Getting IBM Db2 Warehouse status...
-- IBM Db2 Warehouse Services Status --
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status slapd.service
Db2TablesOnline : RUNNING
Db2connectivity : RUNNING
Db2running : RUNNING
* If the 'LDAPsearch' status in the output is SUCCESS, IBM Db2 Warehouse
  can access the LDAP server.

Getting IBM Db2 Warehouse High Availability Status...
-- IBM Db2 Warehouse System Manager Status --
HA Management is RUNNING.
-- IBM Db2 Warehouse Cluster Status --
| NodeName | IP | Type | Role | State |
| node0101-fab | | HEAD | ACTIVE | UP |
| node0102-fab | | DATA | ACTIVE | UP |
| node0103-fab | | DATA | ACTIVE | UP |
**************** IBM Db2 Warehouse license information ****************
* License type : CPU Option
* License expiry date : Permanent
* License status : Active
Stopping networker
Successfully stopped networker
Starting networker
Successfully started networker
Checking nsrexecd
Verifying NMDA libraries
Linking nmda libraries to db2
Confirming if NMDA library linked to db2
Giving db2inst1 permission to all nsr files and directories
Updating database configurations
Setting up nmda configuration files
Successfully installed and configured EMC client and nmda on all nodes
Stopping containers
Starting Magneto

NOTE: HA Management is RUNNING.

For more info see

Starting and stopping the EMC NetWorker client

  • You can start an instance of the EMC NetWorker client by using:
    appkg_install emcnetworker --start
    Example output:
    appkg_install emcnetworker --start
    Starting networker
    Successfully started networker
    For more info see /var/log/appliance/appkg_install/log//20180925/emc_client-20180925165059.log
  • To stop the running instance of the EMC NetWorker client, run:
    appkg_install emcnetworker --stop
    Example output:
    appkg_install emcnetworker --stop
    Stopping networker
    Successfully stopped networker
    For more info see /var/log/appliance/appkg_install/log//20180925/emc_client-20180925164956.log

Viewing version and status of the EMC NetWorker client

  • To display the version of the installed EMC NetWorker client components, run:
    appkg_install emcnetworker --version
    Example output:
    appkg_install emcnetworker --version
    EMC Client:
  • To display the status of the installed EMC NetWorker client, run:
    appkg_install emcnetworker –-status
    Sample output:
    appkg_install emcnetworker ---status
    Getting networker status
    ● networker.service - LSB: EMC NetWorker. A backup and restoration software package.
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/networker; bad; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Thu 2018-09-20 15:27:26 EDT; 35min ago
    Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
    CGroup: /docker/cf50a6cb3d3b8667c226a7fa1bcfa676e423f79ff9ab9f3b756c4ae39ba085f1/system.slice/networker.service
            └─68 /usr/sbin/nsrexecd
    Sep 20 15:27:26 node0101-fab systemd[1]: Starting LSB: EMC NetWorker. A backup and restoration software package....
    Sep 20 15:27:26 node0101-fab systemd[1]: Started LSB: EMC NetWorker. A backup and restoration software package..
    ● networker.service - LSB: EMC NetWorker. A backup and restoration software package.
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/networker; bad; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Thu 2018-09-20 15:27:29 EDT; 35min ago
    Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
    CGroup: /docker/f38280390d86909b9b6265027e2d536d5fd97cadd6ba7f008b51634191f2158f/system.slice/networker.service
            └─68 /usr/sbin/nsrexecd
    Sep 20 15:27:28 node0102-fab systemd[1]: Starting LSB: EMC NetWorker. A backup and restoration software package....
    Sep 20 15:27:29 node0102-fab systemd[1]: Started LSB: EMC NetWorker. A backup and restoration software package..
    ● networker.service - LSB: EMC NetWorker. A backup and restoration software package.
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/networker; bad; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Thu 2018-09-20 15:27:26 EDT; 35min ago
    Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
    CGroup: /docker/97c872ad791aee8cedf8806689a7d6f6edc2635b71ee7e517ae6e0d5deac1351/system.slice/networker.service
            └─68 /usr/sbin/nsrexecd
    Sep 20 15:27:26 node0103-fab systemd[1]: Starting LSB: EMC NetWorker. A backup and restoration software package....
    Sep 20 15:27:26 node0103-fab systemd[1]: Started LSB: EMC NetWorker. A backup and restoration software package..
    For more info see

Backup and restore EMC NetWorker configuration

  • To back up the existing installation configuration, run:
    appkg_install emcsettings -backup
    Example output:
    appkg_install emcsettings –backup
    Cleaning up database configurations
    Unlinking NMDA libraries, if they exist.
    Successfully unlinked NMDA libraries on node:  node0101
    Successfully unlinked NMDA libraries on node:  node0102
    Successfully unlinked NMDA libraries on node:  node0103
    NOTE: HA Management is RUNNING. 
    For more info see /var/log/appliance/appkg_install/log//20181015/emc_client-20181015154549.log
  • You can restore the previously installed EMC NetWorker client by using the following command:
    appkg_install emcsettings -restore
    This option is recommended to be performed with IBM support and is a part of the appliance upgrade.

    Sample output:

    appkg_install emcsettings –restore
    Checking if nodes are externalized
    Getting IP address and hostname of the EMC NetWorker server
    Extracting Bundle: /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/scratch/emc//nw9212_linux_ppc64le.tar.gz
    Bundle already extracted
    Extracting Bundle: /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/scratch/emc//nmda921_linux_ppc64le.tar.gz
    Bundle already extracted
    Adding server details to /etc/hosts
    Stopping magneto service
    Creating /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/scratch/emc/DashdbDockerfile.ppc64le
    Renaming dashDB containers to dashDB-dead
    Building new dashDB image on all nodes
    Deploying new dashDB image to all nodes
    Starting dashDB deployment
    Getting IBM Db2 Warehouse status...
    -- IBM Db2 Warehouse Services Status --
    Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status slapd.service
    APIserver                     : RUNNING
    Db2TablesOnline               : RUNNING
    Db2connectivity               : RUNNING
    Db2running                    : RUNNING
    LDAPrunning                   : RUNNING
    Spark                         : ENABLED
    LDAPsearch                    : SUCCESS
    * If the 'LDAPsearch' status in the output is SUCCESS, IBM Db2 Warehouse
      can access the LDAP server.
    Getting IBM Db2 Warehouse High Availability Status...
    -- IBM Db2 Warehouse System Manager Status --
    HA Management is RUNNING.
    -- IBM Db2 Warehouse Cluster Status --
    |   NodeName   |     IP     | Type |  Role  | State |
    | node0101-fab | | HEAD | ACTIVE |   UP  |
    | node0102-fab | | DATA | ACTIVE |   UP  |
    | node0103-fab | | DATA | ACTIVE |   UP  |
    **************** IBM Db2 Warehouse license information ****************
     * License type             : Trial
     * License expiry date      : 01/11/2019
     * Number of days remaining : 88
     * License status           : Active
    Stopping networker
    Successfully stopped networker
    Starting networker
    Successfully started networker
    Checking nsrexecd
    Verifying NMDA libraries
    Linking nmda libraries to db2
    Confirming if NMDA library linked to db2
    Giving db2inst1 permission to all nsr files and directories
    Updating database configurations
    Setting up nmda configuration files
    Successfully installed and configured EMC client and nmda on all nodes
    Stopping containers
    Starting Magneto
    NOTE: HA Management is RUNNING. 
    Setting up nmda configuration files
    Successfully restored and reconfigured EMC client and nmda on all nodes.
    NOTE: HA Management is RUNNING. 
    For more info see /var/log/appliance/appkg_install/log//20181015/emc_client-20181015154754.log

Updating the EMC NetWorker client and NMDA versions

  1. Gather the client and NMDA tar/RPM files from Dell EMC and copy them onto the system.
  2. Run EMC NetWorker client/NMDA backup:
    appkg_install emcsettings --backup
  3. Update HELM (yaml file) with appropriate version, appversion, client_libraries_file, nmda_libraries_file and checksum values.
  4. Run EMC installer:
    appkg_install emcinstaller --chart <chart_path> --path <install_source_dir>
  5. Run EMC NetWorker Restore to restore configuration files:
    appkg_install emcsettings --restore