Dropping a histogram template
You can drop a histogram template if you no longer require it.
Before you begin
To drop a histogram template, you require WLMADM or DBADM authority.
See Workload management DDL statements for more information about prerequisites.
You cannot drop the SYSDEFAULTHISTOGRAM histogram template.
You cannot drop a histogram template if it is being referenced by a service subclass, work action, or workload. You can view the service subclasses and work actions that reference a histogram template by querying the SYSCAT.HISTOGRAMTEMPLATESUSE view.
To drop a histogram template:
- Use the DROP HISTOGRAM TEMPLATE statement.
- Commit your changes. When you commit your changes the histogram is removed from the SYSCAT.HISTOGRAMTEMPLATES view, and its bins are removed from the SYSCAT.HISTOGRAMTEMPLATEBINS view.