Switching IIAS from ISKLM to local keystore to manage the AEK

Once you added the remote key into the local keystore, you can switch the key management from remote ISKLM to local keystore.


  1. Log in as apuser or equivalent.
  2. Run the command:
    apsedsklm switch --local 

    On success, this command will change AEK key management from ISKLM server to local keystore that is created on all the nodes of IIAS. At this point IIAS will not connect to ISKLM anymore during unlocking of SED drives.

    Example usage:
    [apuser@node0101]# apsedsklm switch --local
    Switching appliance from SKLM to local.
    Copying keystate file to all nodes..
    Successfully switched from SKLM to local...
    Please find log at /var/log/appliance/platform/sedsupport/apsedsklm.log