decode_format specification

The format string consists of a set of characters which indicate the type of argument for each relative position. The format characters for the encode function are:

        a     fixed width string, right padded with NULLs
        A     fixed width string, right padded with spaces
        B     bignum (encoded as a null terminated string)
        d     double (8 bytes)
        h     short (2 bytes, -32768 through 32767))
        H     unsigned short (2 bytes, 0 through 65535)
        i     integer (4 bytes, -2147483648 through 2147483647)
        I     unsigned integer (4 bytes, 0 through 4294967295)
        l     long long (8 bytes)
        L     unsigned long long (8 bytes)
        N     fixed width number (ascii encoded)
        p     position within the string (only valid for decode)
        v     variable length binary string up to 65535 bytes
        V     variable length binary string up to 4294967295 bytes
        y     byte (-128 through 127)
        Y     unsigned byte (0 through 255)
        Z     null terminated string

        >     encode number using big endian format
        <     encode number using little endian format

For all format types other than A and N, a number can be specified after the format character to repeat that type some number of times.

The A and N options behaves differently from the other options. Both will always only generate or consume a single fixed-width input value. For the fixed length formats A and N, the encode function will truncate the value if is larger than the specified width of the field.

Format 'i10' means 10 integers whereas format 'A10' means one fixed-width string that is 10 characters wide. 'N5' means a fixed-width table.maxndecnumber that is 5 characters wide.

The l and L (long long) formats only support 53 bits of information due to Lua's number format being a double which uses 53 bits to store the number and 11 bits to store the exponent.

The < and > operators apply to a single format character. The format string 'i>ii<' encodes the first integer using big endian, the second using native encoding (the default), and the third number using little endian format. The format string 'i10>' indicates to encode 10 integers using big endian format.