Well-known binary (WKB) representation
This section describes the well-known binary representation for geometries.
The OpenGIS Consortium Simple Features for SQL
specification defines the well-known binary
representation. This representation is also defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) SQL/MM Part: 3 Spatial
standard. See the related reference section at
the end of this topic for information on functions that accept and produce the WKB.
The basic building block for well-known binary representations is the byte stream for a point, which consists of two double values. The byte streams for other geometries are built using the byte streams for geometries that are already defined.
The following example illustrates the basic building block for well-known binary representations.
// Basic Type definitions
// byte : 1 byte
// uint32 : 32 bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
// double : double precision number (8 bytes)
// Building Blocks : Point, LinearRing
Point {
double x;
double y;
LinearRing {
uint32 numPoints;
Point points[numPoints];
enum wkbGeometryType {
wkbPoint = 1,
wkbLineString = 2,
wkbPolygon = 3,
wkbMultiPoint = 4,
wkbMultiLineString = 5,
wkbMultiPolygon = 6
enum wkbByteOrder {
wkbXDR = 0, // Big Endian
wkbNDR = 1 // Little Endian
WKBPoint {
byte byteOrder;
uint32 wkbType; // 1=wkbPoint
Point point;
WKBLineString {
byte byteOrder;
uint32 wkbType; // 2=wkbLineString
uint32 numPoints;
Point points[numPoints];
WKBPolygon {
byte byteOrder;
uint32 wkbType; // 3=wkbPolygon
uint32 numRings;
LinearRing rings[numRings];
WKBMultiPoint {
byte byteOrder;
uint32 wkbType; // 4=wkbMultipoint
uint32 num_wkbPoints;
WKBPoint WKBPoints[num_wkbPoints];
WKBMultiLineString {
byte byteOrder;
uint32 wkbType; // 5=wkbMultiLineString
uint32 num_wkbLineStrings;
WKBLineString WKBLineStrings[num_wkbLineStrings];
wkbMultiPolygon {
byte byteOrder;
uint32 wkbType; // 6=wkbMultiPolygon
uint32 num_wkbPolygons;
WKBPolygon wkbPolygons[num_wkbPolygons];
WKBGeometry {
union {
WKBPoint point;
WKBLineString linestring;
WKBPolygon polygon;
WKBMultiPoint mpoint;
WKBMultiLineString mlinestring;
WKBMultiPolygon mpolygon;
The following figure shows an example of a geometry in well-known binary representation using NDR coding.